101 things you (maybe) didn’t know about MacVector: #19 – Preview Releases and Beta Testing

Here at MacVector we do try to listen to our users and love getting feedback and suggestions for features to add to future versions. We also like to have “real world users” test each version before we finally release it as an upgrade. No matter how much internal testing we perform, there always seems to be some combination of sequences and workflow that reveal bugs we would never have discovered in years of our own testing. Beta releases are also great ways for interested users to suggest tweaks to new functionality that can be included in the final release.

Chris has just blogged about the latest Preview Release of MacVector 12.7. A Preview Release is one that contains the final set of functionality, has been well tested internally, and we are just making sure there are no surprises before we release it publicly. You can download the Preview Release from this page.

With MacVector 12.7 now essentially complete, its time to turn our attention to the next release of MacVector, to be released sometime in 2013. If you have a suggestion for an enhancement, upgrade or new feature you would like to see in MacVector 13.0, now is a great time to let us know. In addition, if you would like to be notified when our first Beta releases are available, do send us an e-mail. For both of these requests, the best contact address for us is support@macvector.com.

This is an article in a long running series of tips to help you get the most out of MacVector. If you want to get notified every time a new tip gets published, follow us @MacVector on twitter (or check the feed for the hashtag #101MacVectorTips) or like us on Facebook.

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