Restoring file associations when MacVector no longer opens your sequence documents.

Macs are pretty good at choosing the right application to open a document. For example when you double click on a .nucl document then it will open in MacVector. However, sometimes this file association breaks. Applications should coexist peacefully on a Mac, but sometimes a misbehaving app will corrupt these file associations and you will find that your sequence displays a generic document icon (or what’s worse a different application!). When you double click on the icon, it will no longer open in your favourite DNA sequence analysis tool!

Luckily this is easily fixable:


  • Select a .nucl file in the Finder
  • Choose File | Get Info (or use command-I).
  • In the “Open with” section, click on the popup menu and select MacVector
  • Then click on the Change All… button to apply the change to all files.
  • Repeat for all file types used by MacVector that are not opening correctly (e.g. .prot, .msan, .msap, .axml)

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