There are many genomes in the Genbank database that cannot be downloaded as single annotated sequences. These might be large multi-chromosome eukaryotic genomes, but, increasingly, partially sequenced bacterial chromosomes where the major contigs have been annotated using the NCBI annotation pipeline. Typically, when you encounter these, there are options to download annotated versions of these as multi-sequence Genbank formatted files. MacVector has the option to open any file containing multiple sequences as either a Multiple Sequence Alignment document or as individual Sequence documents. This is not always optimal if you have more than a handful of sequences in the file. However, if you use MacVector with Assembler, you can import these sequences into a project using the Add Ref toolbar button and the individual sequences will not only be displayed in the project window, but, if you double-click on one, the complete annotated sequence will be opened.
This is a great way to view and/or sort collections of annotated sequences in Genbank format that cannot be done directly through the Apple Finder. Once opened, you can Export… any sequence in another format if you wish.