One change in MacVector 18.7, that will improve installation on multi user Macs, is that by default MacVector now stores restriction enzyme files in the user’s home folder. Since it’s the user’s home folder, it will always be writeable, even if the user does not have Administrator access to the machine. Additionally for a Mac used by multiple users editing these files will not affect other users restriction enzyme choices.
To access this folder from Finder:
- In Finder, hold down the OPTION key and click on the GO menu in the toolbar
- Select LIBRARY and navigate to ApplicationSupport | MacVector | Restriction Enzymes
If you have already copied restriction enzyme files to a different location, then you will not be affected by this change, and your original files will be unaffected. When MacVector starts for the first time, it will create and populate this directory with the latest set of restrictions enzymes shipped with MacVector. It will then look in the old /Applications/MacVector/Restriction Enzymes/ folder and if any files in there have a newer time stamp than the default enzymes, then those files will be copied to the new location, ensuring no user edits to the data files are lost.
If the files are missing?
If any of the Restriction Enzyme tools complain of no files, then do one of the following actions:
- In the RE tool click DEFAULTS and the location will be corrected
- Click SET ENZYME FILE and navigate to the new location.
MacVector 18.7 was released in July 2024 and introduces a History tab to track the construction of your expression vectors and clones. It also includes direct support for Codon Usage Tables, creating custom Codon Usage Tables and batch translation of CDS features. Additionally, MacVector 18.7 enhances Assembler’s toolkit by adding a new reference assembler for mapping PacBio and ONT sequencing reads to your reference sequences.