As an early Christmas present we’ve just released MacVector 18.7.5. There’s no new features but quite a few bug fixes especially with a few crash and performance issues with scrolling large alignments. Either wait to be automatically promopted to update. Go to MACVECTOR | CHECK FOR UPDATES… or download manually. Happy Holidays!
Category Archives: Support
MacVector’s compatibility with different versions of macOS/OS X
We strive to ensure MacVector has good forwards and backwards compatibility. For example, MacVector 15.1 will still open files created with the very first version of MacVector! However, since Apple releases a new operating system every year, and generally make fairly significant “under the hood” changes, it is just not possible to support every version […]
UNIX line endings for plain text files
Sometimes you may need to export data out of MacVector for further analysis with a command line tool or sending a file to a colleague who does not have MacVector). For example exporting the VCF report out of a reference assembly or exporting a sequence into Genbank format. If these files are plain text, then […]
BLAST is broken right now!
As of 7pm EST in the US, MacVector cannot connect to the NCBI BLAST server. We are working to resolve the problem and will let you know when the problem is fixed.
Choosing the default application to open a file type
Sometimes you’ll find that when you double click on a document (for example a protein sequence) that it opens in the wrong application. Generally this has resulted from recently installing a new application that has registered itself as the default application that you normally use to open that document. This will overwrite your default application. […]
Activating a license on Lion for older copies of MacVector
With the release of OS X 10.7 Lion Apple made significant changes to the structure and permissions of various important folders. For example the Library folder in the user’s home folder is now hidden. A consequence of this is that on Lion (and all versions after that) older versions of MacVector do not have the […]