Any molecular biologist should be able to start getting useful results within an hour of starting to use MacVector by just exploring the toolbar and menus. Everything is logically named to be obvious. However, there’s still a lot of functionality that a user will never know exists. That is unless you read the manual or […]
MacVector 15.5 is out: Graphical BLAST and automatic ORF display.
Our latest release, MacVector 15.5, introduces an entirely new way to view the results of BLAST searches, with an interactive graphical interface that let’s you easily visualize where your query maps to a hit. Unannotated Open Reading Frames are now automatically displayed whenever you open a DNA sequence. A number of changes to the Align […]
Subcloning using the Cloning Clipboard
Cloning on MacVector has always been an easy procedure. Every digestion places a fragment on the cloning clipboard which then allows you to ligate that fragment into a vector. However, this limitation has now gone with the Cloning Clipboard. The Cloning Clipboard allows you to store a history containing fragments from previous digestions. Not only […]
MacVector and Assembler 12.5 are released
MacVector 12.5 was released yesterday. A few days late but we’d always prefer to wait rather than release with annoying bugs. This is a major release with a lot of new features. Many parts of MacVector have been substantially rewritten both to keep up with OS X as well as many dialogs that have been […]
MacVector 12.5 new features
This is the first in a series of posts about and leading up to the release of MacVector 12.5. MacVector 12.5 will be released shortly. As long as testing shows up no obstacles it will be soon entering the external beta stage. If you want to participate in the beta program please do email support. […]
MacVector 12: New features for Click Cloning and Restriction Enzyme analysis
This is in a series of blog posts on interesting highlights of new features added to MacVector 12 In MacVector 12 designing your construct with Click Cloning has never been easier. There’s a stack of new features to enhance restriction mapping and choosing how to get that fragment into your cloning vector. Unique Restriction sites […]
MacVector12: Forwards (and backwards!) compatibility of MacVector files
MacVector is very good at forward compatibility with sequence files. We do strive to ensure that all versions of MacVector will open files created by earlier versions. In fact MacVector 12 will still open files created by the very first version of MacVector! Backwards compatibility is more complicated as due to our policy of continuous […]
New features in the upcoming MacVector 12 release.
We’re hard at work with our MacVector 12 which will be out toward the end of the year. This is a little longer than our usual six months since MacVector 11.1 came out. However, this is a big release! There has been a rewrite of various interfaces with the aim of making them more accessible […]
What’s New in MacVector 11.1?
As mentioned in the last few posts MacVector 11.1 is a release designed to consolidate and ‘tweak’ the many new features and changes that have been made over the last three years. In the main these changes are designed to simplify and speed up many common workflows as well as providing better integration with OS […]
MacVector 10.6 released
We have recently released a new version of MacVector – 10.6. All customers currently running any version of MacVector 10.5 are entitled to install this version. We highly recommend you to install and upgrade as this release combines numerous bug fixes to MacVector 10.5 in addition to new functionality. We have released 10.6 in between […]