We hope 2024 was a productive and enjoyable year for your research, and that MacVector played some part in that.
During 2024 we released MacVector 18.7 with the History Tab to view the history of your sequence and also tools to generate and import Codon Usage tables. We also merged Assembler with MacVector to give all active users the tools to assemble their own sequencing datasets with Assembly Projects.
Before you shutdown the DNA sequencer and close your pipette tip boxes, help your colleagues make the most of MacVector and give the gift of MacVector Weekly Tips) for Christmas. We curate these tips from the most common support calls and emails that we receive. Please encourage any of your colleagues who use MacVector to sign up. It only takes a few seconds, but the gift lasts all year. They will only receive a MacVector Weekly Tip email once a week and we never pass on email addresses to third parties.
We hope you are able to take some time off over the next few weeks to spend with family and friends.
We wish you a happy and healthy New Year!
Expect some great new analysis tools from MacVector in 2025!