Getting Started: Importing sequences into MacVector

MacVector can import sequences in many different formats and import sequences, assemblies and other documents from many sequence analysis applications.

A vector downloaded from Addgene in Snapgene format opened in MacVector

Universal sequence formats:

MacVector will import (and export!) all the following universal sequence formats.

  • GenBank (including the DNASTAR, DuPont sequencer, and IBM Pustell variants).
  • GenPept
  • EMBL
  • Staden
  • GCG (RSF and MSF)
  • TEXT files containing only sequence data
  • CODATA (both NBRF PIR and DNASTAR variants).

Other software packages

MacVector will import sequences and assemblies from the following applications. Where possible it will preserve as much information as possible. For example all features from Snapgene sequences are preserved but will be displayed with MacVector’s graphics.

Annotation/features data

You can annotate existing sequences using the Import Features.. tool. This will bring annotation in the following formats.

  • BED
  • GFF/GFF3
  • GFT

Sequencing Data

MacVector’s Assembly Projects Manager will import (..and assemble/visualize) all the following

  • Trace files/Chromatograms
    • Oxford Nanopore (ONT)
    • PacBio
    • Illumina
    • 454
    • SOLiD
    • Helicos
    • Ion Torrent