MacVector 12: Creating features from results

This is in a series of blog posts on interesting highlights of new features added to MacVector 12

MacVector has always allowed you to generate a large amount of information about your sequence. However, it’s not always been easy to create Genbank compatible annotations back to your sequence. With MacVector 12 we’ve added a feature to be able to simply right click (or drag and drop) a results feature (say a primer) and add it to the main sequence.

The following analyses can be annotated directly back to the sequence

a) ORF results -> CDS feature
b) Primer3 Primer -> primer_bind
c) Primer3 Product -> misc_feature
d) Restriction Enzyme Site -> misc_feature
e) Proteolytic Site -> Cleavage or SITE
f) NA Subsequence -> misc_binding
g) AA Subsequence -> BINDING or MOTIF (depends on subseq data)

When added a fully Genbank compatible feature will be added to your original sequence.



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