MacVector Cloning Edition

Does your lab only need a simple DNA analysis application that will help you design primers and cloning experiments? Has your budget been cut to the bone? If the answer is a resounding “yes”, then we’ve released a new version of MacVector just for you.

MacVector Cloning Edition provides all of the functionality you need to design and document clone construction experiments in an affordable package that has the high quality and ease of use that our customers have come to rely on. While MacVector Pro Edition contains a wide variety of tools and functionality, many users don’t need all of the ‘bells and whistles’.

Here’s what you can do with the MacVector Cloning Edition:

Primer Design

Get rid of a hairpin or primer dimer by sliding your primer along the template. Add restriction sites or even a mismatch to introduce a new silent site. Alternatively select a gene and get a ranked graphical list of the best primer pairs to amplify it. Drag and drop annotation of primers.

Primer Database

The Primer Database tool allows you to store primers direct from MacVector. You can scan sequences for potential primer binding sites against the Primer Database including mismatches and restriction site tails.

Quicktest Primer

Auto Annotation

Annotate blank sequences with a few mouse clicks or curate your own lab’s sequences so that they all appear the same.

Ecoli nucl Map


Display beautiful feature rich maps with a sequence overview allowing you to see your full sequence at a glance. Export publication quality maps of your sequences.


Cloning Clipboard

Digest a fragment, then drag and drop on a vector to ligate it, or drag multiple fragments together. Clone with digested fragments, Gateway Cloning, TOPO cloning or Gibson Assembly). Constructs are fully documented.

Restriction Mapping

Display only your lab’s freezer drawer of enzymes dynamically on your sequence. Flexible searches show only enzymes that cut in one location and not in another. 

Visit our website to see the full functionality available in MacVector Cloning Edition and the differences between the editions.

MacVector Cloning Edition costs $475 for a perpetual academic license for one Mac. It includes a year of updates but the license itself will never expire. If you need the extra functionality in MacVector Pro, then you can upgrade at any time for the difference in cost. There is no penalty for trying the Cloning Edition first.

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