Category Archives: Tutorials

Designing and documenting cloning strategies

Designing cloning strategies is easy with the Cloning Clipboard. You can perform quite complex ligations by simply dragging compatible ends together. However, when you open this construct a year later, you don’t want to have to look back in your lab book to know how you generated it. Neither do you need to! MacVector fully […]

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MacVector 13 training Workshop at the Gurdon Institute

When: Thursday 23rd October from 11:30 until 13:30 Where: The Gurdon Institute, Level 1 meeting room Chris Lindley of MacVector, Inc. will be giving a workshop for both novice and advanced users of MacVector, reviewing both basic and advanced functions in MacVector. In particular, he will highlight the new functionality introduced over the last few years. […]

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Importing sequences from ENSEMBL

There’s a few different ways to import annotation from the ENSEMBL database browser, as well as other databases. Using Genbank The easiest way to export from ENSEMBL and keep all annotation is to use the Genbank format. The default format will be FASTA which has no annotation. With Genbank all the annotation is stored in […]

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MacVector 12.7 Training Workshop, Weatherall Institute for Molecular Medicine

When: Tuesday, 23rd of April 2013, 14:00 until 16:00 Where: WIMM Seminar Room, WIMM Chris Lindley of MacVector, Inc. will be giving a workshop for both novice and advanced users of MacVector, reviewing both basic and advanced functions in MacVector. In particular, he will highlight the new functionality introduced over the last two years to MacVector. […]

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MacVector 12.7 Training Workshop at Emory University

When: Monday March 25, 1:00-3:00 pm Where: Calhoun Auditorium, Clinic B building “Tunnel Level” Dr. Kevin Kendall of MacVector, Inc. will be giving a workshop for both novice and advanced users of MacVector, reviewing both basic and advanced functions in MacVector. In particular, he will highlight the new functionality introduced over the last 2 years to […]

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Using Blast and Entrez in MacVector with a proxy server

Blast and Entrez connect to the NCBI server using the normal “http” ports (exactly the same as if it was a web browser). If a web browser can access the NCBI’s server then MacVector should be able to. The address for the Blast server is: However, if you get the following error message then […]

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Workshop series in Boston – November, 6th to 9th

If you are a user of MacVector and work in Boston, then you may be interested to know that MacVector are heading your way! Our trainer, Kevin Kendall, will be presenting a series of workshops on MacVector aimed at both beginners and advanced users. He will review basic and advanced functionality within MacVector, focusing on […]

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Multisite Gateway cloning using the Cloning Clipboard

With the introduction of the Cloning Clipboard in MacVector 12.7 both single step and Multisite Gateway cloning can be easily designed, replicated and documented. The Cloning Clipboard allows you to assemble fragments by dragging compatible ends of digested fragments together to form new fragments. Every digest operation in a sequence window will place a fragment […]

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MacVector Workshops at the NIH

MacVector, Inc will be giving two training workshops on the NIH Main Campus tomorrow. Tuesday, September 11, 2012. 10:00 AM – 12:00 AM 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM Sign up for the workshop (no charge) There is still space available for these two MacVector workshops. It is designed for both novice and advanced users. Our […]

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Importing features from a Genome Browser

(updated March 21, 2018) MacVector’s Import Features tool allows you to import annotation from many Genome Browsers (e.g. Ensemble, UCSC, etc). MacVector can annotate an empty or annotated sequence. BED, GFF, GTF, and GFF3 formats GFF, GTF, GFF3 & BED files are all file formats that are used to store annotation (features) generally without containing any […]

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