How to display and manipulate segmented Features

If you work with eukaryotic genomic sequences, you will likely have encountered coding (CDS) features that are split into multiple segments, with each segment representing a translated exon of the encoded gene. MacVector is very much aware of segmented features and ensures that all in-place translations (e.g. in the main sequence Editor with CDS translations turned on, or in the various text-based sequence displays) correctly handle segment splits within codons. In the Map tab, by default you should see segmented features drawn with lines between the “exons” as shown in this image of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator gene.


If you do not see these lines, then double-click on one of the exons to open the Symbol Editor, then change the Symbol Type to “Segmented Hollow Arrow”.

MacVector has a large number of functions related to creating and manipulating segmented features. For a more in-depth look at this, please check out this blog post.

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