Organising your sequences using Smart Folders

OS X’s Finder has many features for quickly finding and working with your files. Spotlight Search is one such tool that most Mac users are familiar with. However, Smart Folders is a tool that is very useful but often overlooked.

Smart Folders allow you to create a dynamic folder whose contents are derived from a Spotlight Search. The folders are permanent but dynamically updated, and can even be shown directly in the sidebar of Finder.

You can have very simple Smart Folders or complex ones. Smart Folders are very useful for keeping track of your MacVector sequences. For example “show me all Assembly Projects last modified within the past month” or “Show me all trace files from the past seven days“.

To create a Smart folder to show all MacVector sequences last opened in the past month:

  • Click FILE | NEW SMART FOLDER in Finder.
  • Click “+” next to SAVE
  • Enter KIND is OTHER “macvector” for the search terms
  • Click “+
  • Click SAVE and enter a name. Don’t forget to include it in the Sidebar.
  • Check out the Smart Folders blog post for more information.

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