Restoring file associations when MacVector no longer opens your sequences

Macs are pretty good at choosing the right application to open a document. For example when you double click on a .nucl document then it will open in MacVector. However, sometimes this file association breaks. Applications should coexist peacefully on a Mac, but sometimes a misbehaving app will corrupt these file associations and you will find that your sequence displays a generic document icon (or what’s worse a different application!). When you double click on the icon, it will no longer open in your favourite DNA sequence analysis tool!

Luckily this is easily fixable:


  1. Select a .nucl file in the Finder
  2. Choose File | Get Info (or use command-I).
  3. In the “Open with” section, click on the popup menu and select MacVector
  4. Then click on the Change All… button to apply the change to all files.
  5. Repeat for all file types used by MacVector that are not opening correctly (e.g. .prot, .msan, .msap, .axml)
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