MacVector 18.7.1 update is now out

We’ve just released a minor update to MacVector 18.7.

You will be prompted to update over the next few days (unless you have turned off update notifications). However, you can also run MACVECTOR | CHECK FOR UPDATES.. or download the new version directly

MacVector 18.7 introduces the History Tab that documents how the sequence was constructed.

Changes for MacVector 18.7.1

macOS Support

This release now supports all macOS releases from macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) through
macOS 14.5 (Sonoma) and has also been tested on beta releases of the upcoming macOS
Sequoia operating system.

Bug fixes

  • Unique and non-unique restriction sites now correctly get updated to the appropriate color when inserting or deleting sequence data.
  • The minimap2 consensus calculation now includes quality information.
  • The minimap2 input parameters dialog now provides more intuitive enablement/disablement of parameters when the preset parameters menu is used.
  • The History tab now reports ‘source’ features as well as ‘frag’ and ‘edit’.

If your license is not valid for MacVector 18.7 please contact support.

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