Subcloning using the Cloning Clipboard

Cloning on MacVector has always been an easy procedure. Every digestion places a fragment on the cloning clipboard which then allows you to ligate that fragment into a vector. However, this limitation has now gone with the Cloning Clipboard.


The Cloning Clipboard allows you to store a history containing fragments from previous digestions. Not only that but you can easily ligate fragments inside the Cloning Clipboard by dragging compatible ends of digested fragments together to form new fragments. Every digestion will place a fragment onto the Cloning Clipboard. Every ligation will take the last (or selected) fragment on the Cloning Clipboard and ligate it with a vector. You can also drag fragments to a vector to ligate them into suitable sites.

The Cloning Clipboard also allows you to do complicated cloning procedures such as Multisite Gateway Cloning.


MacVector 12.7 is currently in beta testing and will be released in a few weeks.

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BLAST is broken right now!

As of 7pm EST in the US, MacVector cannot connect to the NCBI BLAST server. We are working to resolve the problem and will let you know when the problem is fixed.

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101 things you (maybe) didn’t know about MacVector: #16 – Using A Primer Database

If you have accumulated a collection of primers in your freezer, then you should consider storing the sequences in a primer database within MacVector so that you can rapidly scan any new plasmids for potential primer binding sites. Plus, you’ll have a nice electronic record of all your primer sequences.

Start by choosing File | New | Nucleic Acid Subsequence, then click on the Add button to open up the subsequence editor;


Here you can give your primer a name, type or paste in the sequence and add a comment. Note that you can enter values into the Allowed mismatch field so that even imperfect binding sites will be reported when searching with the primers. Repeat for each primer and save the database to a location on your hard drive. It will save with a .nsub extension.

Once you have created a primer file, you can scan any nucleic acid sequence for primer binding sites using the Analyze | Nucleic Acid Subsequence… menu item;

Nucleic Acid Subsequence Analysis.png

Make sure you Choose… your primer database file in the File section. The nucleic acid subsequence analysis function is very similar to a restriction enzyme analysis – you have the option of viewing lists of primer binding sites, viewing lists of primers that don’t bind and/or displaying the binding sites on the graphical map of the sequence. You can even right-click on a primer and create a feature representing that binding site;

Create Primer Feature.png

Finally, if you want even finer control over which potential primer binding sites are reported, you can force certain residues to always match during the scan. In the subsequence editor, simply place an X underneath each residue that you absolutely want to match. For example, you would typically need to have the last few 3′ residues be a perfect match for a PCR or sequencing reaction to work with any efficiency, so you might force the last five residues to match;

Subsequence Editor2.png

This is an article in a long running series of tips to help you get the most out of MacVector. If you want to get notified every time a new tip gets published, follow us @MacVector on twitter (or check the feed for the hashtag #101MacVectorTips) or like us on Facebook.

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101 things you (maybe) didn’t know about MacVector: #15 – Getting GenBank/Entrez Sequences Into MacVector

MacVector does have a built-in Entrez browser that lets you search the online Entrez GenBank database using keywords and retrieve matching sequences either To Disk or as sequence windows (To Desktop) without needing to leave MacVector. You can access this via the Database | Internet Entrez Search… menu item. I’m not going to discuss how to use that browser in this posting. However, there are times when you may be using a web browser to access the Entrez database, or perhaps a colleague has sent you a file in GenBank format. MacVector supports GenBank formatted files seamlessly – you can simply choose File | Open, navigate to the location of the file, select it and click OK. MacVector will automatically recognize the GenBank format. You don’t have to worry about the file extension – it can be .txt, .gb, .gbk, something completely different (.myseq, .idontknow) or even non-existent. The only important setting is that in the File | Open dialog, you may need to enable All Documents to be able to select files with non-standard extensions;


If you are browsing the Entrez website, it is not actually necessary to specifically download the sequences you are interested in and save them as files on your hard drive. You can actually accomplish this by a simple copy and paste. Lets look at an example;


In this example we have found an interesting sequence (well, interesting to me!) and have it displayed in GenBank format. Note that we have the Show Sequence checkbox selected to make sure we have the sequence displayed in the report in addition to the features. This is often turned off by default for large sequences, so be sure to check. Then we start a text selection by clicking just to the left of the LOCUS text and drag-selecting a few lines. The next step is to hold down the SHIFT key and use the mouse to scroll to the bottom of the window;

Entrez Bottom.png

Still holding down the SHIFT key, click just to the right of the “//” characters indicating the end of the entry. That will select the entire sequence from “LOCUS” to “//”. Then select the Edit | Copy item from the browser menu and switch to MacVector. In MacVector, choose the File | New From Clipboard menu item;


A new sequence window appears, containing not just the DNA sequence, but also all of the features associated with the sequence that were included in the GenBank report. This procedure is effectively the same as saving the GenBank formatted sequence to a file and then opening that file as described above.

SCU03771 ― Map.png

This same approach works for any text-based file sequence format – FastA, EMBL, GCG – that MacVector knows how to read. Simply copy the appropriate text, then choose File | New From Clipboard.

This is an article in a long running series of tips to help you get the most out of MacVector. If you want to get notified every time a new tip gets published, follow us @MacVector on twitter (or check the feed for the hashtag #101MacVectorTips) or like us on Facebook.

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Multisite Gateway cloning using the Cloning Clipboard

With the introduction of the Cloning Clipboard in MacVector 12.7 both single step and Multisite Gateway cloning can be easily designed, replicated and documented.

The Cloning Clipboard allows you to assemble fragments by dragging compatible ends of digested fragments together to form new fragments. Every digest operation in a sequence window will place a fragment onto the Cloning Clipboard. To avoid confusion with digests that produce many fragments only single fragments from each digest operation are placed on the Cloning Clipboard. For example if you select two sites flanking a gene and digest it just the fragment from between the sites. Just as if you had cut out a fragment from a gel. The only exception is that digesting a single site from a circular sequence will place the linearized vector on the Cloning Clipboard.

The basic procedure is:

  • Digest each fragment from each source vector until all required fragments are on the Cloning Clipboard.
  • Assemble these on the Cloning Clipboard by dragging ends together.
  • Insert this assembled fragment into the destination vector

Please note this tutorial assumes you want to take fragment A (in source vector A flanked by attL4 and attR1) with fragment B (in source vector B flanked by attL2 and attL1) and fragment C ( Vector C flanked by attR2 and attL3). These are to be placed in a destination vector with attR3 and attR4 (pDEST-R3-R4). However, the steps below are generic and apply to many multiway Gateway cloning procedures

Multiway Gateway cloning

  1. Click PREFS, go to the MAP VIEW preference pane and click SET ENZYME FILE. Choose the Gateway Restriction Enzyme file and make sure USE ALL ENZYMES is selected.
  2. Open the vector containing fragment A and select the attL4 and the attR1 sites flanking fragment A.
  3. Fig1 VectorA nucl  Map

  4. Select the DIGEST button
  5. Open the vector containing the middle fragment (fragment B).
  6. Fig2 VectorB nucl  Map

  7. Select the attL2 & attL1 sites surrounding Fragment B and click DIGEST.
  8. Now move to Vector C and select the attR2 and attL3 sites flanking fragment C. Again click DIGEST.
  9. Fig 3 VectorC

    At this point the Cloning Clipboard will match the following screenshot

    Fig4 Cloning Clipboard

  10. Switch to the Cloning Clipboard and select the attL1 site of Fragment B with the mouse button kept held down. Any compatible sites will be highlighted with a black “target”. Any incompatible sites will have gray “target”.
  11. Drag this end to the attR1 site of fragment A. This should be the only compatible site.
  12. Fig5 CloningClipboard

    The Ligation dialogue will appear. Both ends are compatible and shown as such by being highlighted in green. Click LIGATE

    Fig6 LigationDialogue

    A new fragment will be created with these two fragments.

  13. Now drag the attL2 site at the end of the new fragment towards the compatible site (attR2) on Fragment C
  14. Fig7 CloningClipboard

  15. Select the final assembled fragment in the Cloning Clipboard
  16. Open the Destination Vector file. In our example the two sites attR3 and attR4 will be highlighted in red and green to show that they are compatible with the selected fragment on the Cloning Clipboard
  17. Select the fragment in the Cloning Clipboard
  18. Fig8 CloningClipboard

  19. Drag the fragment from the Cloning Clipboard. A “+” will appear to show that the fragment has compatible ends.
  20. Fig9 pDEST R3R4

  21. Drop the fragment onto the vector.

    The ligation dialogue will again appear.

    Fig10 ligationDialogue

  22. Ensure that the fragment is in the correct orientation and click LIGATE.
  23. Fig11 finalConstruct

    Note that the sites where the attR4/L4 and attR3/L3 have taken place are now attB4 and attP3.

A few points:

  • All cloning steps are documented by the addition of a FRAG feature that includes the name of the construct, the enzymes/recombination sites and the date of the operation. By default these are hidden.
  • Fig12 Features

  • Because the sequence of the att sites does change some sites contain ambiguities. Additionally the recognition sites used by MacVector are much shorter than the full sites. This is to ensure that sites are not missed, however, this does lead to false positives
  • Please note that you will need to be using the upcoming MacVector 12.7 to do this.
  • MacVector treats the recombination events used by the Gateway techniques as ligation events. The end result to the sequence is of course the same.

MacVector 12.7 will be released later this year. But you can download the updated Gateway file now.

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101 things you (maybe) didn’t know about MacVector: #14 – How To Align Non-Overlapping Protein Fragments Against A Parent Protein

The classic algorithm for aligning multiple protein sequences is ClustalW. Normally, it does a great job of aligning related DNA and Protein sequences and can handle thousands of sequences if required. However, one place where it struggles is if you are aligning non-overlapping segments of DNA or Protein against a parental full-length sequence. The reason for this is that the basic algorithm compares each sequence against every other sequence in a pair-wise manner before generating the multiple alignment. That means that it forces all of the segments to overlap, even though they won’t align at all well. For example, here is an alignment of a 120 residue parental protein sequence aligned against 4 non-overlapping 30 residue segments of itself using ClustalW;


Here you can see that Segment1 aligns nicely to the Full Length sequence, but the other segments are poorly aligned, all overlapping Segment1. Now, with DNA sequences, the better way to approach this type of alignment is to use the Analyze | Align To Reference function that can not only correctly align segmented DNA sequences, but can also “flip” sequences that align to the minus strand. However, that is not an option for protein sequences. Luckily, there is a solution: choose Analyze | Align Multiple Sequences Using | Muscle (or hold down the Align toolbar button and select Muscle from the popup menu). Then, in the Muscle setup dialog, set the Profile: to PAM200 and set Diagonals: to On;


You can also choose VTML240 as the Profile, but this will not work with the default log-expectation Profile. When you click OK, the alignment will be recalculated and the display will refresh to show the correctly aligned sequences;


This is an article in a long running series of tips to help you get the most out of MacVector. If you want to get notified every time a new tip gets published, follow us @MacVector on twitter (or check the feed for the hashtag #101MacVectorTips) or like us on Facebook.

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101 things you (maybe) didn’t know about MacVector: #13 – Lower Case Sequences

By default, MacVector uses upper case letters for sequence residues. However, you can also use lower case characters if you wish. Changing the case of residues does not affect the MacVector analysis algorithms – GAATTC, gaattc and gAAttC are all considered valid EcoRI sites for example. If you want to set a short region of a sequence to lower case, simply select the sequence then choose the Edit | Transformations | Make Lower Case menu item;


The case changes not only in the main Editor tab;


but also in all plain text result windows;


So you can use this as a way of marking residues that you want to easily be able to identify in any of the plain text result windows – perhaps useful for marking primer binding sites for example. You can also enable typing in the Editor using upper and lower case by selecting the Edit | Transformations | Enable Mixed Case Entry menu item.

This is an article in a long running series of tips to help you get the most out of MacVector. If you want to get notified every time a new tip gets published, follow us @MacVector on twitter (or check the feed for the hashtag #101MacVectorTips) or like us on Facebook.

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101 things you (maybe) didn’t know about MacVector: #12 – Displaying Segmented Features

While most features you might encounter in DNA files have a simple start and stop location on the sequence, some features are segmented. For example, the coding sequence of a protein encoding reading frame containing introns is represented by a segmented CDS feature on the genomic DNA. MacVector has always understood that the individual segments are parts of the same segmented feature, but prior to MacVector 12.5 the segments were always drawn separately onscreen. For example, here’s the default appearance of the CFTR cystic fibrosis CDS displayed in MacVector 12.0 on the genomic sequence;

CFTR MV12_0.png

Note how the individual exons are laid out separately, each with its own label. If you click on one, all do highlight, indicating that they are all segments of the same feature. More recent versions of MacVector offer a “Segmented Hollow Arrow” feature. This can be set by double-clicking on any of the CFTR CDS graphical objects and choosing the Segmented Hollow Arrow type in the popup menu in the Symbol Editor;

Segmented Hollow Arrow Symbol Editor.png

The Map display then changes to show the CFTR CDS as a series of boxes (the exons) joined by lines (the introns) and laid out on a single level;

CFTR MV12_6.png

The arrow head is displayed on the most 3′ segment as can be seen if you zoom in;

CFTR MV12_6 detail.png

This is an article in a long running series of tips to help you get the most out of MacVector. If you want to get notified every time a new tip gets published, follow us @MacVector on twitter (or check the feed for the hashtag #101MacVectorTips) or like us on Facebook.

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MacVector Workshops at the NIH

MacVector, Inc will be giving two training workshops on the NIH Main Campus tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012.

10:00 AM – 12:00 AM

1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Sign up for the workshop (no charge)

Fig7 Cloning Clipboard 1

There is still space available for these two MacVector workshops. It is designed for both novice and advanced users. Our trainer, Kevin Kendall, will review basic and advanced functionality within MacVector, focusing on the new features introduced over the last two years. He’ll also give you a preview of the new functionality in our upcoming release, MacVector 12.7. The style will be very informal and participants are encouraged to ask questions.

We invite all current MacVector users as well as staff members who would like to learn more about MacVector. There will be 30 seats available per session.

The workshop is sponsored by the NIH ISDP Program (Enterprise Licensing).

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101 things you (maybe) didn’t know about MacVector: #11 – What Is The Tm Of My Primer?

So, you have a primer sequence and you want to know what its melting temperature is? Well, MacVector has a lot of Primer Design functionality, and sometimes its difficult to know where to start. If you have MacVector 12.6 or later, the easiest and quickest way to do this is using the Quicktest Primer functionality. There are two main ways to use this;

(1) Choose Analyze | Primers | Quicktest Primer to open the Quicktest Primer dialog, then paste or type your primer sequence into the main edit box.

(2) Select a primer-sized region (10 to 80 residues) of a sequence in an existing MacVector sequence window and choose Analyze | Primers | Quicktest Primer. This will open the Quicktest Primer window and fill the edit box with the selected sequence.

Either way, the Quicktest Primer Dialog will open;


There are three Tm values reported (circled in red) – which one to use? In general, for primers under ~35 residues in length, we recommend you use the “Santa Lucia” Tm. Unfortunately, calculating the predicted Tm of a primer is not an exact science. The only real way of determining the Tm is to perform a melting temperature experiment under the conditions you intend to use the primer. You can control those conditions from settings available by clicking on the Parameters button. Over the years, computer algorithms have advanced such that the calculated estimates now more closely match the observed experimental data. I don’t want to get too much into the hairy details of Tm prediction algorithms, but here’s the rationale for the MacVector results, in reverse order;

Baldino – this algorithm is preferable for long primers (35nt or greater). It was first described by Bolton and McCarthy (1962) and slightly modified by Baldino et al (1989). It is based purely on the length and G+C% of the primer and the concentration of monovalent cations in the reaction.

Breslauer – this algorithm uses more accurate nearest neighbor thermodynamic calculations using the equations described in Rychlik et al. (1990) with the thermodynamic parameters of Breslauer (1986). This is the calculation used in MacVector prior to version 12.6 and is left in primarily for backwards compatibility.

SantaLucia – this is a similar algorithm to the Breslauer algorithm except that it uses the updated combined thermodynamic parameters of SantaLucia (1998). This is widely regarded as one of the most accurate Tm calculation algorithms currently available and is the one we recommend to use, particularly for primers shorter than 35 nt.

Both the Breslauer and SantaLucia algorithms also now take into account the effects of divalent cations (e.g. Mg++) and the concentration of deoxynucleotides in the reaction mix as described by von Ahsen et al. (2001). This means that if you do want to confirm the Tm of a primer as it was calculated in versions of MacVector prior to 12.6, you should click on the Parameters button and set the Divalent cation conc and Nucleotide conc values to “0”, then observe the Breslauer Tm value. However, normally we would recommend you set those values to the actual concentrations you use experimentally.

To summarize – for typical primers of less than 35 nucleotides, use the SantaLucia Tm and make sure the divalent cation and nucleotide concentration parameters are set to the values you use experimentally. Primer3 uses the same calculations internally and will produce identical results. For longer primers, you may prefer the Baldino Tm calculation. The Breslauer Tm is only reported for backwards compatibility with MacVector 12.5.

This is an article in a long running series of tips to help you get the most out of MacVector. If you want to get notified every time a new tip gets published, follow us @MacVector on twitter (or check the feed for the hashtag #101MacVectorTips) or like us on Facebook.

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