Renumbering a sequence

To change the numbering of a MacVector sequence hover the mouse over the ‘red’ cross (or number) that appears at the beginning of a sequence. This will change to a hand. Double click and enter the new start number in the dialog that appears. You may also drag the red cross to a place in the sequence which will be reset to be base ‘0’.

By default when you copy a smaller sequence from a region of a larger sequence then the numbering of the larger sequence is retained.

For example if you selected and copied 1,000,000 to 1,000,100 from a larger sequence and pasted it in a new sequence window then your new sequence would be 101 bases long and the first base would start numbering from 1,000,000.


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MacVector 12: Changes to the Find dialogue

This is in a series of blog posts on interesting highlights of new features added to MacVector 12

The find dialogue is a nondescript but fairly essential tool of any sequence analysis application. With uses such as finding short sections in your sequence to quickly searching for a primer it is probably one of the most commonly used tools.

The Find dialogue in MacVector is a powerful tool but this power comes at a price as the dialogue has never been that easy to use. In earlier versions the array of options could really daunt the new user. However, many long time users really like the way it works and so a complete redesign would have risked upsetting some users. Over that past few releases we have been gradually tweaking this dialogue to make it easier to use, but without removing any of the flexibility. We’ve also been adding new functionality as we added the ability to search in Features and in results pages back in MacVector 10.5.

With MacVector 12 we have removed the REVERSE and the COMPLEMENT options. All these options did was to reverse or complement the query. If you searched the forward strand and used both options in reality you were searching the reverse strand albeit in a 3′ to 5′ direction. Although it was technically possible to search with just the reverse of a sequence or just the complement of a sequence, rather than the reverse complement we could not think of a single real world use of this function. Furthermore these two options have confused many users in the past. So we removed these and changed the default to search both strands. So now any real matches will still be found without these two options and without having to enter the reverse complement of your query sequence.

We’ve also enhanced circular sequence searching. In MacVector 12 there has been extensive work on algorithms so that they can analyse features that cross the origin. This includes the Find dialogue which will now match any queries that cross the origin. Furthermore there is a new WRAPAROUND option. With the default options when you click FIND the algorithm looks from the 5′ end of the forward sequence (and 3′ end of the reverse sequence now) until it find the first match. Then if you click FIND NEXT it will look for the subsequent match and so on until it reaches the end of the sequence, although now as long as a match starts before the end of the sequence and extends across the origin it will still be found. However, with the WRAPAROUND option selected FIND NEXT will continue indefinitely around the sequence.

The FORWARD button has also gone being fairly redundant.

Hopefully we’ve made it just that bit easier to use! But if you disagree please do let us know!

MacVector 12


MacVector 11.1

FindDialogueMV11 1

MacVector 12 is now officially released.

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MacVector 12.0.2 has just been released

Download it here. This contains a few bugs fixes that surfaced after the 12.0.1 release.

MV12 Cloning

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MacVector 12: Ensuring your license is up to date

MacVector 12 is now officially released (it’s been a preview release for the past month).

Before updating your copy make sure that you have entered your latest license details (you will have been emailed these when you last renewed your maintenance). Unless you have renewed in the last month you will need to have entered these in order to run MacVector 12.

To enter these go to the OPTIONS menu in MacVector and click on ACTIVATE LICENSE… Select the serial number in the popup menu, then click on the EDIT button. If the serial number does not appear in the list, click on the ADD button. Please enter the details exactly as they are detailed above.

If you are unsure of your license details contact MacVector Support.

If you have not renewed your license and like what you see in MacVector 12 contact MacVector Sales for a great upgrade deal!

Remember you can easily check the latest version available from within MacVector.


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MacVector 12: New features for Click Cloning and Restriction Enzyme analysis

This is in a series of blog posts on interesting highlights of new features added to MacVector 12

In MacVector 12 designing your construct with Click Cloning has never been easier. There’s a stack of new features to enhance restriction mapping and choosing how to get that fragment into your cloning vector.

Unique Restriction sites highlighted.

Restriction enzyme recognition sites that appear only once in a sequence will be displayed in red, whereas sites that will be cut more than once will appear in the normal blue. This shows unique sites in your gene and vector at a glance.

Highlighting of sites compatible with a digested fragment.

Once you have digested a fragment all compatible sites in all Map views will be displayed to indicate that they are compatible with the digested fragment on the cloning clipboard (see the EcoRI and HinDIII sites in the vector below).


Double-click on a restriction enzyme site in the Map tab to select all sites of that type.

If you double click on a single site then all identical sites will be highlighted in the map.

“one-out” sites

If a single base change to the sequence would introduce a new restriction enzyme recognition site then with this option turned on these putative sites will be labelled with a star. Please note that these are not necessarily translationally silent sites. That feature will be introduced in a future release.

Restriction Enzyme site labels show exact cut sites

When zoomed to residue in the map view and if the sequence is displayed with the complementary strand is shown then restriction enzyme sites will be shown directly on the sequence indicating blunt or overhanging ends.

Protruding (“sticky”) end selections in Map and Editor views

When you select a fragment in the Map view and you are zoomed to show the sequence, then the exact sequence selected will be displayed including overhanging ends. If the complementary strand is shown in the Editor the selection here will also indicate this.


Digested fragment is in 5′>3′ direction between first and second sites and can cross the origin.

Because selections can now cross the origin for circular sequences all fragment selections will take place in a 5′ to 3′ direction. For example in pUC19 in the above screenshot you must select the EcoRI at 396 first followed by the HinDIII site at 447. If you selected them in the reverse order the entire vector apart from this fragment would be selected. This now completely removes the problem of cloning fragments into sites that span the origin of the cloning vector.

Watch out for a upcoming Click Cloning tutorial


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MacVector 12: Creating features from results

This is in a series of blog posts on interesting highlights of new features added to MacVector 12

MacVector has always allowed you to generate a large amount of information about your sequence. However, it’s not always been easy to create Genbank compatible annotations back to your sequence. With MacVector 12 we’ve added a feature to be able to simply right click (or drag and drop) a results feature (say a primer) and add it to the main sequence.

The following analyses can be annotated directly back to the sequence

a) ORF results -> CDS feature
b) Primer3 Primer -> primer_bind
c) Primer3 Product -> misc_feature
d) Restriction Enzyme Site -> misc_feature
e) Proteolytic Site -> Cleavage or SITE
f) NA Subsequence -> misc_binding
g) AA Subsequence -> BINDING or MOTIF (depends on subseq data)

When added a fully Genbank compatible feature will be added to your original sequence.



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MacVector12: Forwards (and backwards!) compatibility of MacVector files

MacVector is very good at forward compatibility with sequence files. We do strive to ensure that all versions of MacVector will open files created by earlier versions. In fact MacVector 12 will still open files created by the very first version of MacVector!

Backwards compatibility is more complicated as due to our policy of continuous improvement later versions of MacVector have introduced new functions that have required modifications to the file format. For example there were significant changes to incorporate the Genbank features table changes introduced in MacVector 10. Upon opening such a file an older version of MacVector will give a warning message. However, all biological data will be preserved. If you then save that file using the older version of MacVector it will revert to the older file format.

With the MacVector 12 release there have been more extensive changes to the format than any other recent release. If you have run MacVector 12 then go back to using MacVector 11.1 or earlier, then the first time you open a file, whether it has been opened with MacVector 12 or not, you will see the following warning dialogue.


This is actually a warning that the preferences file has incompatible settings (MacVector 12 wrote these). It’s a once only error and can be safely ignored.

Additionally if you do open a sequence file with MacVector 11.1 or 11.0 that has been saved with MacVector 12 then you will see further warnings. Since MacVector 10.6 all versions should deal with incompatibilities safely and although you might see changes in the graphical appearance and also minor changes in the features, you will not lose any biological data at all.

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Preview release of MacVector 12

MacVector 12.0 is almost ready for release and you can download a preview release here. The full release will be out shortly.

There’s a lot of great new features in MacVector 12. Virtual Cloning is much easier with auto detection of compatible sites. The whole interface has been reworked with a graphical overview of your entire sequence making it far easier to visualize and navigate around your sequence. We hope it’s useful to you in the lab!


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Copying subsequences from larger sequences.

Sometimes when working on a small subsequence of a much larger sequence it is easier to take that section and make a new file. It is also generally useful in such circumstances to preserve the original numbering. For example if you want to analyse a single gene, but still keep the numbering in the context of the full chromosome or genome. With MacVector whenever you copy a section of a sequence then paste this into a new sequence it will preserve the numbering.

e.g. if you copy a gene that starts at 1,045 kilobases in the larger sequence, then the new sequence’s numbering will start at 1,045,000.

To ‘reset’ the numbering just hover the mouse over the red number until it turns into a ‘hand’. Then double click and you will be given a dialogue to change the numbering.


This feature was first introduced in MacVector 11.

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Lunch in honor of Pei-Li Li’s visit to Raleigh

Kevin Hardman, Rosemary Maratta, Kevin Kendall, Pei-Li Li, Aaron Stainback, and Chris Lindley

It was nice to meet Pei-Li Li, our Asian/Pacific Representative finally!  We had  lunch in exciting downtown Raleigh, even showed him the big acorn!  Guess which person was really not there.

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