101 things you (maybe) didn’t know about MacVector: #1 – Downloading BLAST Hits from the NCBI

When you use MacVector to run a BLAST search, did you know that you can download any matching sequences directly from the BLAST Description List window? Simply select text on any part of the line(s) representing the sequence you want to download;


Then use the menu item Database | Retrieve to Disk to download any sequence(s) that have even a partial selection from the NCBI Entrez server to a folder of your choosing on your hard drive. If you want to directly open the sequences as windows in MacVector, choose Database | Retrieve to Desktop.

This is the first article in what will be a long running series of tips to help you get the most out of MacVector. If you want to get notified every time a new tip gets published, follow us @MacVector on twitter (or check the feed for the hashtag #101MacVectorTips) or become our friend on Facebook.

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MacVector 12.6 and Mountain Lion

The eagerly awaited Mountain Lion was released last week in the App Store. We’ve conducted initial testing with MacVector 12.6 on Mountain Lion. Our testing has found only a single fairly minor issue concerned with installation. So far there are no issues with any day to day functionality.

  • The downloadable disk image does not automatically open with the default settings on Mountain Lion.

    Workaround: Open a Finder window and look in the DEVICES section of the left hand sidebar – click on the “MacVector 12.6” disc icon there to reveal the contents of the disk.

We are continuing testing and this post will be updated if we find further issues (which will of course be fixed with the next update.


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QuickTest Primer: Designing Primers in MacVector

MacVector has a brand new tool for designing primers. QuickTest Primer completely changes the way primers can be designed on a computer. It simplifies primer design by showing your primer and its statistics in realtime. Does your primer have a hairpin? Nudge it along your template until the hairpin goes? Want to add a restriction site? Then add one and again nudge your primer to optimise the oligo. Want to see how a CDS translation is affected by your modified primer? View both the original and modified amino acid sequence.

Quicktest Primer can also be used in conjunction with Primer3 to rapidly design pairs of primers with mismatches and/or tails and to generate the predicted product of the reaction, complete with tails and/or mismatches.

Quicktest Primer 2

A typical workflow with the new tool would be:

  1. Design a primer with a mismatch that changes a protein coding region or has a tail containing a restriction enzyme site
  2. Find a matching primer to amplify a specific segment from a gene and add a restriction enzyme site to that second primer
  3. Generate a detailed report of your primers
  4. Generate a new DNA sequence representing the predicted product of the amplification
  5. Annotate the predicted product back to your sequence.

Quicktest Primer allows you to quickly evaluate the suitability of any short DNA sequence for use in PCR or sequencing experiments. Simply open Quicktest Primer using Analyze | Primers | Quicktest Primer… and type or paste in a primer sequence to display the primer properties instantly. Alternatively, you can evaluate any short portion of an existing sequence quickly by selecting that portion in the Editor, Map or Features view before starting Quicktest Primer.

Quicktest Primer displays a detailed set of properties for a primer sequence and these properties will change in realtime as you modify the primer. For example if you have a hairpin you can nudge your primer along the template until this disappears or if you have added a restriction site you can slide the primer along until it does not change the translation of any CDS feature that your PCR product would contain. QuickTest Primer is linked to the active nucleic acid sequence window. If you select a different nucleic acid sequence window, then MacVector will recalculate the primer properties. Since no binding information is displayed if the selected primer does not bind to the current sequence, you can use this feature to establish quickly if (and where) the primer binds to any open nucleic acid sequences.

Quicktest Primer displays the following information:

  • Melting temperature
  • Presence of “bad” residues like non-G/C 3’ end and runs of >3 homopolymers.
  • Graphical display of hairpin loops and primer dimers.
  • Secondary structure scores.
  • Location of any other matches on the target sequence.
  • Translations of any CDS features that overlap the binding region are also shown.

In summary, Quicktest Primer allows you to:

  • Add a user defined 5’ tail.
  • Nudge the primer along the target sequence to find the optimum sequence.
  • Find a balanced second primer using Primer3
  • Create a mismatch at any location (especially corresponding to a “one out” site).
  • View secondary structure in real time as you enter a primer sequence.
  • Generate a detailed report of your primer.
  • Slide your oligo along your sequence to find the optimal site.
  • See any changes in the translated protein sequence as you design your primer.

Quicktest Primer shares the same reaction conditions as all the other primer/probe tools. So regardless of which tool you use you will see consistent results.

Give it a try.

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MacVector 12.6: Coming soon..

Our upcoming release, MacVector 12.6, has just entered beta testing. As usual we’ve added a mixture of new features as well as improvements to existing tools. One tool that we are excited about is a realtime primer design tool. This allows you to manipulate your primer and see secondary structure and other useful oligo statistics as you edit it.

Primer Design Enhancements

Quicktest Primer 2

MacVector 12.6 introduces a new “Quicktest Primer” interface that simplifies the design of primers with mismatches and/or tails and complements the existing primer and probe design tools. This can be used in conjunction with the existing Primer3 tool to design pairs of primers with mismatches and/or tails and to easily generate the predicted product of the reaction, complete with tails and/or mismatches.

A typical workflow with the new tool would be:

    Design a primer with a mismatch that changes a protein coding region or has a tail containing a restriction enzyme site
    Find a matching primer to amplify a specific segment from a gene and add a restriction enzyme site tail to that second primer
    Generate a new DNA sequence representing the predicted product of the amplification.
    Annotate the predicted product back to your sequence.

Other useful features of QuickTest Primer are:

  • View secondary structure in real time as you enter a primer sequence
  • Generate a detailed report of your primer
  • Slide your oligo along your sequence to find the optimal site.
  • See any changes in the translated protein sequence as you design your primer
  • All primer/probe design tools now share the same reaction conditions. So regardless of which tool you use you only have to set these once.

    Importing data into MacVector

    Making it easy to bring data from public databases into MacVector is always one of our priorities. Adding the ability to import annotation from the UCSC’s Genome Browser and similar sites such as Wormbase and ToxoDB has been a popular user request over the past few years. All these sites allow the export of data in one of the annotation formats such as General Feature Format (GFF) or BED and now MacVector will allow you to import the features in these files and annotate an existing sequence.

    This allows you to continually update your own working copies of your favourite sequences with publicly available data.

  • Support of GFF, GFF3, and BED files to annotate blank sequences.
  • Create new sequence(s) with complete annotations by copy and paste of GenBank, EMBL and FastA documents.
  • Assembler improvements

    L paracasei genomic scaffold Contig 16  Map 2

    Following the introduction of NGS reference assembly using Bowtie in MacVector 12.5 there have been further changes in response to user feedback. There has also been major performance enhancements to the display of large assemblies.

  • Import BAM/SAM alignments for display.
  • Importing ACE files for displaying alignments created by other assemblers.
  • de novo assembly has been optimised further for size and speed.
  • Better support for undoing assemblies.
  • Child contigs are annotated as features on the reference contig.
  • Interactivity between contigs so that selections in a child contig are reflected in the reference contig.
  • Reported SNPs are annotated to the graphical Map View.
  • Child Contigs are also listed in a text report.
  • Performance enhancements


  • Pustell Matrix has been enhanced for genome vs genome comparisons. Now you can do a genome vs genome comparison of two E.coli genomes in less than 5 mins on a recent Mac.

  • Major performance enhancements to Map Graphics for easier viewing of annotation rich genome sequences.

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    Importing features from a Genome Browser

    (updated March 21, 2018)

    MacVector’s Import Features tool allows you to import annotation from many Genome Browsers (e.g. Ensemble, UCSC, etc). MacVector can annotate an empty or annotated sequence.

    BED, GFF, GTF, and GFF3 formats

    GFF, GTF, GFF3 & BED files are all file formats that are used to store annotation (features) generally without containing any sequence. Although it is common that they will be accompanied by a fasta file containing the sequence only. They emerged as a way of exporting, or exchanging, information from a specified region of an entire genome without having to take the entire genome.

    Most sequence formats were developed to be for a specific gene or protein. Although this is no longer true they are still orientated to be of a region of fixed length. These annotation files are not at all length specific and could potentially store just two features that were at either end of the same chromosome. They are a much more flexible way of dealing with annotation, especially a large amount, than a fixed length sequence format such as Genbank.

    They also are not limited to a single sequence and can contain information from multiple sequences in the same file (Fasta files can also contain multiple sequences). For example you could store the entire human set of chromosomes in a pair of (quite large!) files. A multiple sequence Fasta file and a single GFF file.

    The format of these annotation files does vary (who ever said Bioinformaticians had to be consistent!) but basically their format consists of a set of individual lines (one line per feature) along the following lines:


    Sequence ID is the sequence these annotations belong to.

    START and STOP are the region of sequence they are annotated against

    FEATURE TYPE is obvious! Note that this does not always correspond to a correct Genbank Feature Keyword

    Genome Browsers

    These tools (generally online web gateways) allow you to browse the entire chromosome or genome of a particular organism. Almost like a graphical model of a sequence database. All the information known about that particular organism’s sequence that has been submitted to one of the large sequence databases (e.g. Genbank at the NCBI) should be visualised within the genome browser. You can download all the annotation contained within a particular region fairly easily using one of these annotation formats. Then you can either annotate an existing file that you are working with (so preserving your own “private” annotation with all known public annotation).

    To annotate a sequence with a BED/GFF/GFF3/GFT file in MacVector

    From the UCSC’s Genome browser

    • Click on this link to open the UCSC’s Genome Browser.
    • Select C.elegans (or click the link to “worm”) and enter sel-12 in the gene name. Click SUBMIT.

    The interface will change and show all annotation associated with that region. You can modify the amount or type of annotation being showed. This particular gene, C.elegans Sel-12 is located on Chromosome X

    • Click the Tools then Table Browser menu link at the top of the page

    This will now allow you to export all the annotation associated with the previous displayed region (tracks).

    • Change the REGION to POSITION.

    If it is left at genome the entire genome will be downloaded

    • Change the OUTPUT FORMAT to GTF or BED
    • Click GET OUTPUT
    • Now switch back to MacVector
    • Now you need to open the sequence you want to annotate. For this example we could go to DATABASE > ENTREZ and search for and download Accession Number U35660. However, that only contains the mRNA and not the genomic sequence. So instead download the fasta sequence from the NCBISequence : Chromosome: X; NC_003284.7 (915873..918235)You will need to ensure that the start position of the downloaded file corresponds to the start of the region of the chromosome we have just downloaded the annotation for. This is easily done in MacVector.
    • Double click on the RED cross located near the start of the sequence in the Editor View and change it to 915872
    • MV126 SettingOriginNow we will import our downloaded annotation.
    • The Sequence ID (SeqID) contained within all features in the file will be shown in a dialog along with the number of features for each SeqID and the region of the sequence that these will be annotated against. A warning will be displayed if any of the features are outside of the region to be annotated.MV126 ImportFeaturesDialogue
    • Select the appropriate SeqID ChrX and click OK
    • A dialogue will be shown with the number of annotations that have been added. If you annotate a blank sequence (e.g. a fasta file) the resulting features may be initially hidden. However, you can easily show them from the Graphics Palette tree view.You can choose to annotate your sequence with all the features contained within the imported file or to ignore duplicates.
    • Click OK
    • MV126 ImportFeaturesResult

      ToxoDB Genome browser

      Here’s a similar workflow from the ToxoDB Genome browser

    • For this workflow we’ll start with a “random” 2kbp sequence from TaxoDB as a “starter” empty sequence.
    • Toxoplasma gondii ME49
    • Blast the above sequence using the Blast interface at Toxodb.org.
    • This will find a single hit and display a link
    • Click on the link to open it in the ToxoDB Genome Browser.
    • Select DOWNLOAD TRACKS, then CONFIGURE and change it to GFF3 format and SAVE TO DISK. Now click GO.This downloads a file “dumped_region” which will contain all the annotation stored in the ToxoDB Genome Browser in GFF3 format.
    • Now switch back to MacVector and open the 2Kbp sequence.
    • You can use FILE > NEW FROM CLIPBOARD to bring the sequence into MacVector quicklyAgain if you do not change the start coordinate of the sequence the IMPORT FEATURES dialogue will show an errorToxoDB 1
    • Change the start coordinate of the sequence to match its location in the genome (which is 405235 as detailed on the Blast hit page) as in the step in the previous workflow.
    • I then went to FILE > IMPORT FEATURES and selected the GFF3 file.
    • ToxoDB 2The dialogue will show that it has found 6 features. Note that the GFF3 file contains annotation from a much longer sequence than our initial query sequence. MacVector will ignore any annotations that lies outside the query sequence. It will show an warning message to indicate this.ToxoDB 3

      Keeping a sequence updated

      You will be able to “update” and add new annotation to your existing sequence. For example after a few months I could revisit these two genome browsers website and download an updated GFF3 file. Upon importing these features it will optionally replace any duplicate features and add new ones. So you can work with a sequence and also keep it updated as other researchers find more about this particular sequence.

      Duplicate Features

      Due to the lack of strict standards across the many different file formats it may be that a potential duplicate is not recognised as such because the wording or keyword is different. In the majority of cases some degree of manual curation of the annotated sequence will be required. In all cases MacVector will err on the side of caution and will never throw away any potentially interesting or important information contained within a feature. Only entries that are 100% the same (after being parsed during the import) will be considered as duplicates. MacVector will never class a feature as a duplicate if the START, STOP or FEATURE TYPE are different in any way. Even if they differ by just a single base.




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    ASM2012: San Francisco

    We’ll be at the 112th ASM meeting in San Francisco this year from June 16 – 19, 2012.


    Come visit us if you are at the show. Our booth at the ASM will be 936.

    We’ll be demoing MacVector 12.6 which will be released about that date. You’ll also be able to pick up demo CDs and incubator floaties. We are giving away some cool mouse pads with a summary of the DNA and Protein IUPAC codes and the Universal Genetic Code printed on them for quick reference.

    FloatiePhotoCropped+Resized+rotated MousepadPhoto

    This year it looks like the Twitter hashtag will be #asm2012. As ever you can follow us on @macvector

    If you are attending the meeting do pop along and say hi. See you in a month!

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    Showing features as bases or a translation in a plasmid map

    Everybody has different tastes and giving everybody identical plasmid maps is unfair! So MacVector is designed to be as flexible as possible to allow you to make your maps look like YOU want then to look.

    In this theme was a recent change where appropriate features can be shown as residues when there is sufficient space to show them (for example when zoomed to residue).

    By default this is enabled for certain features. But it is controlled from the Symbol Editor (double click on a feature to edit it).

    • Change the dropdown menu to Show as Graphic to disable this
    • Select Show Residue Letters if Room to enable it


    For example if this is enabled for a CDS feature when zoomed to residue the amino acid (either 1 letter or 3 letter codes) will be shown.

    For example in this screenshot we’ve changed the CDS feature to show residues:

    MV12 ShowResidueLettersWhenRoom

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    New release of KeyServer K2

    The latest version of KeyServer is now K2

    Run the version check on this page to check which version of which part you are running and if you need to upgrade.

    Remember if you are upgrading from a version earlier than K2 v 7 you’ll need a new MacVector license. Contact Support to request one.Screen Shot 2012 04 05 at 10 27 42

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    Assembler: Using the coverage map of the Reference Contig editor to analyze your assembly

    There are two main steps to creating a reference assembly. Mapping your reads against your reference sequence and then analysing the alignment for variations. Knowing the depth of reads, or coverage, of an alignment is important for both of these stages. A low average depth of coverage means that you have less confidence in the called consensus and a high average depth of coverage depth means you have spent too much money on sequencing. Even more important are regions with reads well above or below the median level of coverage which can indicate anomalies or variations in the sequence.

    When you generate a reference contig with Bowtie, the Map view of a reference or child contig will show a plot of the depth of reads along the entire reference. This coverage map shows four statistics. A single plot line (default color is black) shows a running average of the number of reads at that point, calculated using a moving window of varying length depending on the zoom level. Such a plot is not sensitive when the window shows a large region of sequence at a high level, for example when viewing megabases of sequence). So two shaded areas indicate the highest value (default color is dark blue) and the lowest value (default color is light blue) of the reads averaged for that window. As the coverage map is viewed at higher magnifications then the window from which the running average is calculated becomes shorter and so these three values will become closer to the extent that when viewed at, or close to, sequence level these three plots will become identical.

    Regions of zero coverage

    Areas of zero coverage are shown in light grey. Note that these areas are always displayed even when they are disproportionate to the level of magnification. For example a region of zero coverage will always be displayed even when you are viewing a 20 megabase contig in its entirety. Also note that there are no areas of zero coverage in child contigs as by definition they are bounded by either end of the reference contig and/or an area of zero coverage. If you hover the mouse over the coverage map it will give the exact number of reads at that position (for example X reads over base XX).

    Regions with low coverage

    There are many reasons why regions will have lower than average coverage. These generally are caused by the base composition over that region. For example regulatory elements in a sequence, where proteins such as transcription factor bind, do have lower than average coverage perhaps due to their GC content being low.

    Regions with high coverage

    Short regions with excessively high coverage can be indicative of a repeated region that may or may not be present in the reference sequence. Reads will be piled up on one of the repeated sections rather than being spread out over each repeated region. Paired end reads can go some way to help detect these and allow correct alignment of reads. Also do remember that you may have the same read mapped to multiple locations on the reference unless you select the “USE BEST ALIGNMENT ONLY option

    MV125 ReferenceContigCoverageMapSymbols

    Further Analysis

    The coverage map makes it very easy to design primers for further sequence, for example Sanger sequencing for hybrid assembly. Remember that you can run general MacVector analysis tools directly on a contig and it will act as if you are running that analysis on a single sequence.

    Here’s how easy it is to design primers:

  • Zoom into an area of low coverage using the cursor in the reference contig.
  • First look for an area of low, or zero, coverage. Remember that areas of 2 or more bases with zero aligned reads are highlighted in grey and will be visible at all levels.
  • Now select the sequence spanning the low coverage region.
  • Check it’s set to AMPLIFY FEATURE/REGION. This will now take a 200bp region either side of your selected region and design primers to amplify this region.
  • Now you can amplify this sequence from your original sample, or instead design some sequencing primers and sequence it directly.
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    Choosing the default application to open a file type

    Sometimes you’ll find that when you double click on a document (for example a protein sequence) that it opens in the wrong application. Generally this has resulted from recently installing a new application that has registered itself as the default application that you normally use to open that document. This will overwrite your default application.

    For example you double click on a Genbank sequence file (that has a file extension ending in “.gb”. You expect to see this sequence in MacVector, but instead it opens in some other application.

    Here’s how to fix this:

  • 1 – select any of the file type you want to change (e.g the aforementioned Genbank file) and “get info” using CMD + “i” (or right click/hold down CTRL and left click, on the file and choose “get info”).
  • 2 – in the Get Info dialog move to the OPEN WITH section (as in the screenshot below).
  • 3 – Change the drop down menu to MacVector.app.
  • 4 – Click the CHANGE ALL button and reply CONTINUE on the dialog that appears.
  • Now close the Get info dialog and double click on a text file. It should now open in TextEdit.

    Screen Shot 2012 02 06 at 18 56 28

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