Our latest release, MacVector 18.7, has a new Codon Usage Table viewer. You can use this to generate your own codon usage table (CUT or .bias) files. You can use codon usage tables to optimize codon usage of CDS features for enhanced expression in a different organism. They can also be used in the Nucleic Acid Toolbox to predict protein coding […]
MacVector 18.7 has just been released.
MacVector 18.7 has just been released. If you are eligible for this release you will be prompted to upgrade, otherwise go to MACVECTOR | CHECK FOR UPDATES… and follow the prompts to be automatically upgraded. If your license is not eligible then why not upgrade? Overview MacVector 18.7 introduces a History tab to track the […]
How to design a digest to screen minipreps after a ligation.
MacVector’s Agarose Gel tool can be used to quickly design a restriction digest to screen minipreps following a ligation. (View full size on website…) Replicate your ligation in MacVector. Select the two sites, for subcloning your targeted gene, and click DIGEST. Drag the digested fragment from the Cloning Clipboard to your vector click LIGATE. Create […]
One click Codon Optimization of CDS Features
Our latest release, MacVector 18.6 has a new tool that will directly optimize codon usage of CDS features for enhanced expression in a different organism. The new tool pulls together multiple tools into a one step procedure which can be run by selecting a CDS feature in your nucleic acid sequence and running Analyze | […]
Setting the Numbering Origin
Preserving sequence numbering is particularly useful if you want to work on a smaller more manageable region of a large chromosome but wish to retain the original numbering. When you copy a section of a larger sequence and paste the copy into a new MacVector sequence window (or use FILE | NEW FROM CLIPBOARD), the […]
MacVectorTip: How to find Restriction Enzymes that only cut outside of a specific region
One common cloning related task is to ask MacVector to find restriction enzyme sites that cut in a molecule, but that do not cut in a specific region. e.g. suppose you want to find restriction enzymes that cut pBR322 but that do not cut in the Tetracycline Resistance Gene. To do this, choose the Analyze […]
MacVectorTip: Designing Primers for Gibson Assembly
You can use MacVector to design primers for multi-fragment Gibson Assembly, and also generate the predicted recombinant DNA molecule resulting from the assembly. All you have to do to get started is choose the File->New->Gibson/Ligase-independent Assembly… menu item. From there, you can choose the type of assembly (it doesn’t have to be the usual 5’ […]
MacVectorTip: Scan For… Missing Primers: Automatically display Primer Binding Site on your sequences
MacVector’s Scan DNA For.. tool allows you to automatically display restriction enzyme recognition sites, putative ORFs, CRISPR PAM sites, missing annotation and also it will display primer binding sites from your own Primer Database in each DNA sequence that you open. Here’s an example of a couple of primers displayed on the pET 47b LIC […]
Designing primers and documenting In-Fusion Cloning with MacVector
The In-Fusion Cloning kits from Takara allow you to perform ligase free cloning of PCR products into vectors in as little as 15 minutes. You can use MacVector’s Gibson Cloning/Ligase Independent tool to design primers for In-Fusion cloning workflows. The In-Fusion kits need a 15nt overlap between the ends of a fragment and the ends […]
Using the RE Picker to display restriction enzyme sites in your insert that do not cut your vector.
It’s generally useful with restriction enzyme based cloning to know what restriction enzymes will cut your vector and not cut your insert, or vice versa. There are a few ways to accomplish this with MacVector, but a useful way is to prepare a file of enzymes that do not cut your vector. This is especially […]