Restriction enzyme sites and tooltips.

EDIT: April 12, 2019 From MacVector 16 and later the setting for the Automatic RE Analysis is in: PREFERENCES | SCAN DNA | RESTRICTION SITES Quickly viewing the recognition sequence and cut site of a restriction site is very easy in the Map tab. If you hover your mouse over a restriction site in the Map […]

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101 things you (maybe) didn’t know about MacVector: #27 – Documenting Gibson Assemblies

We’ve had a few MacVector users ask us recently if MacVector can be used to create constructs using the increasingly popular “Gibson Assembly” method. For those who are not familiar with this method, it was first described in 2009 by Daniel Gibson of the J. Craig Venter Institute. They showed that you can assemble multiple […]

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Removing a restriction site by linearising and religating a plasmid

Being able to remove a restriction site by digesting to linearise a plasmid, Klenow treating then religating the linear fragment is a very useful trick and an often requested feature. This is now possible with the new Cloning Clipboard in MacVector 12.7. select the enzyme recognition site you want to remove Click DIGEST to linearize […]

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MacVector 12.7 is now out.

We’re pleased to announce that MacVector 12.7 has just been released. The most exciting new feature is the Cloning Clipboard. We’ve had a lot of user requests over the past few years for help with designing cloning operations and the user feedback we had during the beta testing of MacVector 12.7 makes us think we’ve […]

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MacVector 12.7 preview release

Our next release is MacVector 12.7 and it will be out very soon. However, if don’t want to wait then you can download a preview before the real release in November. MacVector 12.7 has a new Cloning Clipboard tool that dramatically simplifies the creation of new DNA constructs. The new functionality not only lets you […]

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Subcloning using the Cloning Clipboard

Cloning on MacVector has always been an easy procedure. Every digestion places a fragment on the cloning clipboard which then allows you to ligate that fragment into a vector. However, this limitation has now gone with the Cloning Clipboard. The Cloning Clipboard allows you to store a history containing fragments from previous digestions. Not only […]

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Multisite Gateway cloning using the Cloning Clipboard

With the introduction of the Cloning Clipboard in MacVector 12.7 both single step and Multisite Gateway cloning can be easily designed, replicated and documented. The Cloning Clipboard allows you to assemble fragments by dragging compatible ends of digested fragments together to form new fragments. Every digest operation in a sequence window will place a fragment […]

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MacVector 12: New features for Click Cloning and Restriction Enzyme analysis

This is in a series of blog posts on interesting highlights of new features added to MacVector 12 In MacVector 12 designing your construct with Click Cloning has never been easier. There’s a stack of new features to enhance restriction mapping and choosing how to get that fragment into your cloning vector. Unique Restriction sites […]

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Gateway and TOPO Cloning with MacVector

Here at MacVector we always try to listen to our end users when deciding what functionality to add to new versions. The more users that request a new feature, the more likely it is to get to the top of the list. One item that recently reached the top of our list was support for […]

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