101 things you (maybe) didn’t know about MacVector: #43 – Compatible Restriction Enzyme sites have special highlighting

Have you ever wondered how you are going to clone a particular fragment into a specific vector? What destination restriction sites are compatible with the enzymes you’ve chosen? MacVector has a unique color-coding approach to make it easy to identify compatible sites. Here’s how it works; First, select the source fragment you wish to clone. […]

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Restriction enzyme sites and tooltips.

EDIT: April 12, 2019 From MacVector 16 and later the setting for the Automatic RE Analysis is in: PREFERENCES | SCAN DNA | RESTRICTION SITES Quickly viewing the recognition sequence and cut site of a restriction site is very easy in the Map tab. If you hover your mouse over a restriction site in the Map […]

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101 things you (maybe) didn’t know about MacVector: #28 – Identifying Methylation Blocked Restriction Sites

A big thanks to Jeffrey Dvorin at Boston Children’s Hospital for this great suggestion. Most common laboratory strains of E. coli contain a number of methylase enzymes that modify DNA residues, preventing certain restriction enzymes from cutting DNA isolated from those strains. The two most relevant enzymes are the Dam methylase that methylates the A […]

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Removing a restriction site by linearising and religating a plasmid

Being able to remove a restriction site by digesting to linearise a plasmid, Klenow treating then religating the linear fragment is a very useful trick and an often requested feature. This is now possible with the new Cloning Clipboard in MacVector 12.7. select the enzyme recognition site you want to remove Click DIGEST to linearize […]

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