Author Archives: Chris

The “/label” qualifier, features in the Editor tab and MacVector 14.0.2

With MacVector 14.0 we introduced two minor changes that have just not pleased a lot of users. We spend a lot of time discussing all improvements in every release and we did think that these two changes improved MacVector. But a lot of users have complained about both of them. So it looks like we […]

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Smart Folders and MacVector

OS X’s Finder has many features for quickly finding and working with your files. Spotlight Search is one such tool that most Mac users are familiar with. However, Smart Folders is a tool that is very useful but often overlooked. Smart Folders allow you to create a dynamic folder whose contents are derived from a […]

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MacVector at ASM2015

We’ll be at the 115th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology from the 30th of May to the 2nd of June in New Orleans. We’re on booth 366. Please do drop by and say hello. We’ll be able to show you the upcoming release of MacVector 14 and other cool stuff. We’d also […]

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How to quickly design primers to amplify a feature on your sequence

To design a pair of primers to amplify a single feature is pretty quick with MacVector. Select a feature in the MAP tab Run Primer Design (Primer3) Ensure the dropdown menu is set to AMPLIFY FEATURE Click OK Check the summary shows that primers have been found and select the spreadsheet and graphical view Click […]

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Quickly checking a small sequencing project

For analysing large sequencing datasets, whether de novo or mapping reads against a reference you need Assembler. However, many times you do not need a powerful tool but just a quick way to check some sequencing data. For example for checking small sequencing projects, such as a site directed mutagenesis, looking for SNPs in a […]

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Upgrade MacVector with a 30% discount during April

Don’t be an April Fool, upgrade with a…. 30% discount … before MacVector 14 is released in May. This is no April Fool’s joke. Here’s a great way to upgrade your copy of MacVector before the release of MacVector 14 next month. For the entire month of April you will get a 30% discount on […]

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UNIX line endings for plain text files

Sometimes you may need to export data out of MacVector for further analysis with a command line tool or sending a file to a colleague who does not have MacVector). For example exporting the VCF report out of a reference assembly or exporting a sequence into Genbank format. If these files are plain text, then […]

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MacVector 13.5.3 is out

There’s a new release of MacVector out. If you are on OS X 10.10 to OS X 10.7 then just update through Sparkle as normal. However, we have seen issues doing that on Snow Leopard, so please use the downloadable installer instead. Ironically some of the bug fixes are for OS X 10.6, but there’s […]

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MacVector Talk: January 2015: A review of 2014 and what’s coming in 2015.

MacVector and Assembler: What’s Next! We strive to make MacVector the best sequence analysis app for the Mac. This means our developers are continually at work redesigning every aspect of MacVector, not only to improve functionality, but also to ensure that MacVector is always optimized for the latest versions of OS X. In addition we […]

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Restriction enzyme sites and tooltips.

EDIT: April 12, 2019 From MacVector 16 and later the setting for the Automatic RE Analysis is in: PREFERENCES | SCAN DNA | RESTRICTION SITES Quickly viewing the recognition sequence and cut site of a restriction site is very easy in the Map tab. If you hover your mouse over a restriction site in the Map […]

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