Author Archives: Chris

Importing sequences from ENSEMBL

There’s a few different ways to import annotation from the ENSEMBL database browser, as well as other databases. Using Genbank The easiest way to export from ENSEMBL and keep all annotation is to use the Genbank format. The default format will be FASTA which has no annotation. With Genbank all the annotation is stored in […]

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Implementing a new activation code for network license users

When you’ve got a lot of licenses and a lot of computers to manage, a network license is the most effective way of letting your users access their favourite sequence analysis app for the Mac! MacVector network license use the KeyServer network license software from Sassafras. However, in addition to the KeyServer setup MacVector also […]

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Testing primers with MacVector 13

New to MacVector 13 is the ability to quickly test a pair of primers. Previously to test a pair of primers with the Primer3 tool you needed to modify the expected product and reduce the stringency of all parameters so that your primers would be accepted. Now when you enter a pair of primers into […]

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MacVector 13’s redesigned results windows

Before MacVector 13 all the results windows could sometimes get in the way. Some tools, such as the restriction enzyme tool, can generate up to six different results windows. Such as a list of all enzymes that cut a sequence, a list of all non-cutters, a restriction map, etc.. This is all useful information and […]

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Public beta of MacVector 13

There’s a public beta of our imminent release MacVector 13 ready for downloading and testing on our website. You just need an active license for MacVector 12.7 to run this. Watch out for the new easier way of installation (no installer, just drag to your Applications folder!). As well as a redesign of the interface […]

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MacVector 13 is almost out…..!

The next version of MacVector is almost ready to be released. MacVector 13 is more powerful and intuitive than ever. There’s not only some very useful new tools and features but MacVector 13 has had a redesign. A fresh new interface MacVector 13 looks great. The interface is now muted to suit the look and […]

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MacVector and Applescript

Up to MacVector 13 MacVector has had limited Applescript support. The current release (12.7.5) is able to open sequences, print them and that’s about it! We’ve had frequent requests for MacVector to batch process files. So with the new release (coming very soon) you can batch process files. No analysis can be undertaken just yet […]

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Quicktest Primer and restriction sites

With the introduction of the Quicktest Primer tool in MacVector 12.6 primer design became even easier. Being able to slide your primer along a template sequence to see undesirable secondary structure and other attributes in realtime really does make it quicker and straightforward to design good primers. All user feedback we have had say it […]

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MacVector and Mavericks

OS X Mavericks was released last week. As usual we’d been testing MacVector on the prerelease developer previews. We did come across a few issues, however, these all seem to be working fine now it’s officially released. So far we’ve done plenty of informal testing with MacVector 12.7.5 and we’ve not come across any major […]

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MacVector 12.7 Training Workshop, LMB, Cambridge

When: Thursday 19th September, 2013, 2:00 – 4:00, Where: Max Perutz Lecture Theatre, LMB Chris Lindley of MacVector, Inc. will be giving a workshop for both novice and advanced users of MacVector, reviewing both basic and advanced functions in MacVector. In particular, he will highlight the new functionality introduced over the past two years to MacVector. […]

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