Author Archives: Chris

…back to work!

Getting back to the lab after the end of the year break is always a shock! You’ve might have been popping into the lab over the vacation to maintain your experiments, but now you need to get those experiments moving again and start getting the results in. So after you’ve chatted about the holidays with […]

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Happy holidays to all our users and friends

At the end of 2011 we’d like to say thank you for your business and continued trust in us. MacVector, Inc. is about to celebrate its 5 year anniversary and it remains our mission to keep MacVector the number one sequence analysis application for the Mac. We try to listen to our customers and react […]

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MacVector and Assembler 12.5 are released

MacVector 12.5 was released yesterday. A few days late but we’d always prefer to wait rather than release with annoying bugs. This is a major release with a lot of new features. Many parts of MacVector have been substantially rewritten both to keep up with OS X as well as many dialogs that have been […]

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MacVector 12.5: Interface improvements and redesign

This is part of a series of posts about the shortly to be released MacVector 12.5. With each release of MacVector as well as adding new features we continually redesign and rewrite many existing parts of MacVector. This is done for a number of reasons. For example: to accommodate changes in OS X, where generally […]

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MacVector 12.5: Creating reference assemblies with Bowtie

This is part of a series of posts about and leading up to the release of MacVector 12.5. With Assembler 12.5 our developers have come up with an affordable and straightforward solution for assembling and visualizing your NGS data. Generating sequencing data is cheaper than it has ever been, however, with this increase in data […]

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MacVector 12.5: Get Assembler for half price!

Our latest version, MacVector 12.5, will be released on the 1st of December, 2011. There’s some great new features in this release with the addition of extra alignment algorithms, Muscle and T-coffee, to the Multiple Sequence Alignment analysis interface, as well as many interface enhancements and performance improvements. However, the most important new feature in […]

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MacVector 12.5: Sequence Assembly made easy.

This is part of a series of posts about and leading up to the release of MacVector 12.5. Assembler has always made it easy to assemble your sequencing projects. It hides the complicated algorithms and provides a point and click interface to show you the results. With the release of MacVector 12.5 the range of […]

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Zooming to the sequence level in the Map view

When zoomed to the residue level it’s easy to check restriction enzyme ends.   Technorati Tags: MacVector  

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MacVector 12.5 new features

This is the first in a series of posts about and leading up to the release of MacVector 12.5. MacVector 12.5 will be released shortly. As long as testing shows up no obstacles it will be soon entering the external beta stage. If you want to participate in the beta program please do email support. […]

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Problems with DMG appearing not to mount.

Sometimes when you download the MacVector disk image and try to mount it nothing appears to happen. Generally this is because although it has been mounted a Finder window has not popped up. It also affects those of us with messy desktop (not me of course!). If you have many files then you might miss […]

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