Author Archives: Chris

Next Generation sequencing formats

As is common with the lack of standards seen with most emerging technologies there are many different and competing types of sequencing file formats for storage of short read or next generation sequencing data. All these formats try to solve the same question of storing an almost unprecedented amount of sequence data in a useable […]

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Designing and testing primers in MacVector – part 2

In the first article in this series we took an overview of all the primer design tools in MacVector. In this second look at primer design in MacVector I’m going to look in more detail at our latest tool – Design Primers (Primer3). Primer3 is a powerful, highly configurable command line tool for designing primers. […]

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An overview of Sequence Assembly in MacVector

MacVector has had sequence assembly functionality for a long time. Many moons ago MacVector came with a OS9 only tool called AssemblyLIGN. Although a useful tool it was fairly limited and needed a complete replacement, so about five years ago Assembler was released, which is a much more modern tool for sequence assembly. In addition […]

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How to save a graphical Map.

With earlier versions of MacVector the graphical Map was treated as a separate object to the actual sequence, and you could save it directly as a graphic file (PICT) from the Map window. However, the graphical map changed substantially with MacVector 9.5 and even more in 10.0, and now you need a different way to […]

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MacVector 10.6 released

We have recently released a new version of MacVector – 10.6. All customers currently running any version of MacVector 10.5 are entitled to install this version. We highly recommend you to install and upgrade as this release combines numerous bug fixes to MacVector 10.5 in addition to new functionality. We have released 10.6 in between […]

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Designing and testing primers in MacVector – part 1

MacVector has many different primer tools for different purposes. In this, the first of a series of articles I want to present an overview of primer design in MacVector, and when it’s best to use which tool. I’ll also talk about what’s coming next in future releases. Design Primers (Primer3) The most flexible tool was […]

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Welcome to our blog

We’ve wanted to start a blog to better communicate with the MacVector community since we started MacVector, Inc, at the start of 2007. However, there’s always been something else to do. No longer! We already have our forums with contributions from users and with the blog we want to do something different. We will bring […]

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