Category Archives: Uncategorized

Using BLAST to automatically annotate a sequence

You can use the Database->Auto-Annotate Sequence function to quickly annotate a bare sequence using existing annotated sequences on your file system. However, this only works if your collection of sequences contains features representing all parts of the bare sequence. Luckily, if you have an unannotated region after running Auto-Annotate, you can use MacVector’s built-in BLAST […]

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How to import annotated GenBank sequences via copy and paste

While MacVector does have a built-in Entrez browser (Database > Internet Entrez Search) you can easily import GenBank formatted text into MacVector via a simple copy and paste approach. Many sequence-oriented web sites have the option of viewing sequences in GenBank format. This format always starts with the text LOCUS and finishes with two forward […]

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Troubleshooting problems with MacVector

MacVector generally just works. However, it’s a very rare piece of software that does not have occasional technical faults. Every now and again we do get reports to MacVector Support about such technical issues. Whenever we come across such issues we document them and also try to fix it so they never happen again in […]

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Happy holidays from all of us at MacVector!

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Visualising ORF analysis results in the MAP tab.

The Map tab of MacVector is a powerful way to visualise and interact with your sequences. All analysis tools will work directly in the Map tab. You can design primers, ligate and digest fragments from the Cloning Clipboard, visualise translated CDS regions and much more. In fact one of the only tasks, you will need […]

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MacVector 13.5.3 is out

There’s a new release of MacVector out. If you are on OS X 10.10 to OS X 10.7 then just update through Sparkle as normal. However, we have seen issues doing that on Snow Leopard, so please use the downloadable installer instead. Ironically some of the bug fixes are for OS X 10.6, but there’s […]

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MacVector at the NIH Research Festival April 23 – 24

For all of our NIH users: We will be at booth # 314 at the NIH Research Festival that is Wed. – Thurs.,  April 23 – 24. Please stop by for a demo of our new release, MacVector 13, and some other freebies, including discounted Easter candy!

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MacVector 13 is almost out…..!

The next version of MacVector is almost ready to be released. MacVector 13 is more powerful and intuitive than ever. There’s not only some very useful new tools and features but MacVector 13 has had a redesign. A fresh new interface MacVector 13 looks great. The interface is now muted to suit the look and […]

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The oldest entries in Genbank? Some fun for Labor day.

Inspired by some tweets from @ewanbirney, because I’m waiting for lunch and because it’s Labor Day I used the Entrez tool to find the oldest entries (using the publication date field) in Genbank. For proteins there’s a single hit in 1979 For NA there’s 12 hits from 1982: Nothing useful here and it’s probably not […]

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BLAST is Fixed!

Thanks to our friends at the NCBI, BLAST is now working again!

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