Downloading hits from the MacVector BLAST Map results tab

MacVector’s BLAST Map results tab (added in MacVector 15.5) is a unique interface for examining the annotations around hits to a query sequence. Each pane in the display represents a High Scoring Segment Pair, as seen in the BLAST Aligned Sequence tab. At the lower left corner of each pane is a Download button – […]

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Turning on/off the SCAN FOR missing Features and ORFs

If you’re running MacVector 15.5 or later then you will have noticed extra features annotated to your sequences. These are from the Scan for ORFs tool (added in MacVector 15.5) and the Scan For Missing Features (added in MacVector 16) tools that automatically scan every DNA sequence window for open reading frames, missing annotations and […]

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Controlling The Automatic ORF Display in MacVector 15.5

MacVector automatically scans every DNA sequence window for open reading frames and displays the results in the Map tab. The setting for this are controlled by the MacVector | Preferences -> DNA Map pane, along with the automatic Show restriction sites settings. The Minimum Number of Codons setting is fairly obvious. 5’ ends are starts […]

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MacVector’s Scan For Missing Features tool makes beautiful plasmid maps easy!

Scan for.. Missing Features: Sequences are automatically scanned and missing features displayed. A simple right-click converts them to a permanent feature. Even blank sequences will be displayed fully annotated with common features. You can even add your own proprietary features.

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MacVector 16: Our latest release takes automatic sequence annotation to a whole new level

MacVector 16, our latest release, makes beautiful plasmid maps easier, and accurate de novo assembly achievable on your own desktop. Scan for.. Missing Features: Sequences are automatically scanned and missing features displayed. A simple right-click converts them to a permanent feature. Even blank sequences will be displayed fully annotated with common features. You can even […]

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Annotating a gene in MacVector

Creating biologically accurate AND beautiful maps of your plasmids is easy in MacVector. All you need to do is select some sequence, then open the FEATURES EDITOR. Every annotation is fully compatible with the Genbank specification and Feature Table.

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Controlling Automatic ORF Display

MacVector 15.5 automatically scans every DNA sequence window for open reading frames and displays the results in the Map tab. The setting for this are controlled by the MacVector | Preferences | DNA Map pane, along with the automatic Show restriction sites settings. The Minimum Number of Codons setting is fairly obvious. 5’ ends are […]

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Importing Genbank files from Safari or other web browsers.

  While MacVector does have a built-in Entrez browser (Database | Internet Entrez Search) you can easily import GenBank formatted text into MacVector via a simple copy and paste approach. Many sequence-oriented web sites have the option of viewing sequences in GenBank format. This format always starts with the text LOCUS and finishes with two […]

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Importing sequences from Addgene into MacVector

The Addgene repository is a great place for obtaining expression vectors and other plasmids for your research. Fully annotated sequences are available for most plasmid sequences, although older plasmid deposits may be only partially annotated. All are very easy to import into MacVector. All Addgene sequence deposits have a Genbank formatted sequence. This should contain […]

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Tooltips in MacVector: restriction sites, features and reference assemblies

Every aspect of MacVector is designed to help you visualise and see information about your sequence and its annotation. Most views have tooltips that display information about restrictions sites, genes, CDS, SNPs, INDELS and much more.

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