101 things you (maybe) didn’t know about MacVector: #2 – Option-click to open the Default Symbol editor

If you download sequences from BLAST or Entrez, or import GenBank or EMBL files with lots of features, you may wish that the features (genes, CDS, promoters etc) showed up differently in the Map tab, or maybe your favorite features don’t show up at all unless you turn them on using the Graphics Palette. Its […]

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Importing features from a Genome Browser

(updated March 21, 2018) MacVector’s Import Features tool allows you to import annotation from many Genome Browsers (e.g. Ensemble, UCSC, etc). MacVector can annotate an empty or annotated sequence. BED, GFF, GTF, and GFF3 formats GFF, GTF, GFF3 & BED files are all file formats that are used to store annotation (features) generally without containing any […]

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MacVector 12: Drag and Drop annotation of your sequences

This is in a series of blog posts on interesting highlights of new features added to MacVector 12 If you click and drag a result from a results map to a sequence window it will be annotated as a feature. For example dragging a primer from a primer results map will annotate that primer as […]

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MacVector 12: Annotating the sequence in the Editor View.

This is in a series of blog posts on interesting highlights of new features added to MacVector 12 In the last survey a popular request was to be able to change the case, alter the colour, or otherwise being able to annotate sequence directly in the Editor view. You’ve been able to use the Map […]

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Displaying translations alongside your DNA sequence

There’s a few ways to display an amino acid translation in the same window as your DNA or RNA sequence. (1) You can show either three or six frame translations directly in the editor. To do so simply press and hold down the STRANDS toolbar button. You’ll see the following menu and be able to […]

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