New to MacVector 18.6 is the ability to sort and assemble reads from different datasets into individual sub-projects. This functionality is located in the phrap parameters dialog. When enabled and configured appropriately for your dataset it will automatically break out the input reads into sub-projects to be assembled separately. A simple pattern-matching text box lets […]
Assembling sequencing data with MacVector and Assembler
MacVector has a software plugin called Assembler that integrates directly into the DNA sequence analysis toolkit and provides DNA sequence assembly functionality. Dealing with sequencing reads has never been easier. MacVector includes no less than five different assemblers just a few mouse clicks away from your sequencing reads. Phrap assembles Sanger sequencing reads or existing […]
How Assembler uses quality scores to create assemblies
A common problem with all types of sequence assembly is distinguishing between sequencing errors and true genomic variations. Quality scores are one way to help the algorithm identify if a variation is of high quality and therefore likely to be a SNP or a sequencing error. For Assembler trace files can be basecalled with Phred, […]