Viewing raw chromatogram data from .ab1 files

If you are interested in looking for or evaluating mixtures of residues in .ab1 or .scf chromatogram files, it is important to be able to extract the raw data from the four traces. You can open .ab1 and .scf files directly in MacVector by using the File | Open menu item or by dragging files […]

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How to remove gaps from a sequence

There are often times when you end up with a sequence containing gaps, especially if you make extensive use of the Align To Reference, Contig Assembly or Multiple Sequence Alignment interfaces to generate consensus sequences. You can select and copy the consensus sequence, or even individual aligned reads, from the Align To Reference and Contig […]

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Use Analyze -> Align To Reference to align ABI trace files

One of the most common tasks in any molecular biology lab is the need to re-sequence a piece of DNA. Perhaps it is a cloned PCR fragment where you want to confirm the sequence, perhaps you are sequencing across a cloning junction, or maybe screening clones for a successful mutagenesis experiment. Many users immediately think […]

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101 things you (maybe) didn’t know about MacVector: #18 – Aligning Chromatogram (ABI) Sequences

I blogged about this a few years ago, but its something that still comes up on a regular basis. The blog link discusses the 6 main alignment algorithms in MacVector and how to decide which is the most appropriate for accomplishing different tasks. One common request we get is “I want to see my chromatograms/traces […]

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