Author Archives: Chris

Importing Genbank files from Safari or other web browsers.

  While MacVector does have a built-in Entrez browser (Database | Internet Entrez Search) you can easily import GenBank formatted text into MacVector via a simple copy and paste approach. Many sequence-oriented web sites have the option of viewing sequences in GenBank format. This format always starts with the text LOCUS and finishes with two […]

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Importing sequences from Addgene into MacVector

The Addgene repository is a great place for obtaining expression vectors and other plasmids for your research. Fully annotated sequences are available for most plasmid sequences, although older plasmid deposits may be only partially annotated. All are very easy to import into MacVector. All Addgene sequence deposits have a Genbank formatted sequence. This should contain […]

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Simple but accurate restriction enzyme based clone construction using Copy and Paste

The quickest and simplest way to create restriction enzyme generated constructs in MacVector is to use Edit | Copy and Edit | Paste. The strategy to use is identical to copying a paragraph from one Microsoft Word document to insert into a second document. i.e. Select the restriction enzymes flanking the source fragment in either […]

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Create constructs using MacVector’s Cloning Clipboard

You can create new constructs in MacVector by selecting two restriction enzyme sites, choosing Edit -> Copy, selecting a target restriction site in a different molecule and then choosing Edit -> Paste. It works great and fully understands compatible overhanging sticky ends preventing you from accidentally creating biologically impossible molecules. However, a far more flexible […]

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Tooltips in MacVector: restriction sites, features and reference assemblies

Every aspect of MacVector is designed to help you visualise and see information about your sequence and its annotation. Most views have tooltips that display information about restrictions sites, genes, CDS, SNPs, INDELS and much more.

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Viewing external database entries for features in a sequence.

Sequences, or regions of sequences, can be linked to external databases. For example an entire sequence entry or for when annotation tools are used to annotate proteins with domain or motif information (e.g. InterProScan). Very useful for when you want to view more detailed or updated information. Within the Genbank specification, which MacVector extensively uses, […]

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Tear-off Result Window Tabs: make viewing results easier.

All analysis results for an individual sequence are collected into a single tabbed result window to reduce window clutter. However, there are times when it is very convenient to have results displayed in side-by-side windows. For example, if you run a dot plot you can zoom in to view sections of the comparison by drag-selecting […]

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MacVector 15.5.3

There’s another update available with a few minor bug fixes. Update by going to MACVECTOR > CHECK FOR UPDATES The changes in MacVector 15.5.3 are described in the Release Notes . You can also read more about the new features in MacVector 15.5 on our What’s New In MacVector 15.5 page.

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Use the Edit | Transformations menu to change the case of sequence residues

Sometimes it is useful to use a mixture of cases in a sequence. You might want to flag an interesting region and have it easily identifiable in other views. You can change the case of a selected region of a sequence in MacVector using the Edit | Transformations menu. The case is maintained in all […]

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Using BLAST to automatically annotate a sequence

You can use the Database->Auto-Annotate Sequence function to quickly annotate a bare sequence using existing annotated sequences on your file system. However, this only works if your collection of sequences contains features representing all parts of the bare sequence. Luckily, if you have an unannotated region after running Auto-Annotate, you can use MacVector’s built-in BLAST […]

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