Author Archives: Chris

Assembler: Using the coverage map of the Reference Contig editor to analyze your assembly

There are two main steps to creating a reference assembly. Mapping your reads against your reference sequence and then analysing the alignment for variations. Knowing the depth of reads, or coverage, of an alignment is important for both of these stages. A low average depth of coverage means that you have less confidence in the […]

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Choosing the default application to open a file type

Sometimes you’ll find that when you double click on a document (for example a protein sequence) that it opens in the wrong application. Generally this has resulted from recently installing a new application that has registered itself as the default application that you normally use to open that document. This will overwrite your default application. […]

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Updating to Keyserver 7.0

KeyServer 7.0 was released a few months back. There is no need to upgrade your license server for MacVector. However, if you do want to upgrade then you must download the latest installer direct from Sassafras. This version ( contains important bug fixes and is a later version than the KeyServer installer on the MacVector […]

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Using old subsequence files with MacVector

Sometimes when a subsequence file, that has been created by an version of MacVector prior to MacVector 11, has been stored on a remote filesystem or has been emailed MacVector will refuse to open the file. Mac files are generally comprised of two pieces: A data fork and the resource fork. Prior to the release […]

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MacVector 12.5 workshop at the University of Pennsylvania

If you are a user of MacVector or have any interest in sequence analysis for molecular biologists then you may be interested to know that there’s a workshop about MacVector at the University of Pennsylvania this Thursday open to faculty, students and researchers. When: Thursday February 9th 9:30 to 11:00 Where: Blockley Hall, Room 1311 […]

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MacVector 12.5 workshop at Memorial Sloane Kettering Cancer Center

If you are a user of MacVector or have any interest in sequence analysis for molecular biologists then you may be interested to know that there’s a workshop about MacVector at MSKCC this Wednesday open to MSKCC faculty, students and researchers. When: Wednesday February 8 from 11:00 to 12:30 Where: Room RRL B20 “Dr Kevin […]

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MacVector 12.5 workshop at Rockefeller

If you are a user of MacVector or have any interest in sequence analysis for molecular biologists then you may be interested to know that there’s two workshops about MacVector at The Rockefeller University this Tuesday open to all Rockefeller faculty, students and researchers. When: Tuesday. Feb. 7, 2012 at 10:00 – 11:30 and 1:00 […]

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Running old versions of MacVector on Lion.

Only MacVector 9.5 and later versions will run on OS X 7 Lion. Apple started transitioning their processor architecture from PowerPC (PPC) to Intel’s x86 in 2006. The Macbook Pro and the iMac being the first Intel Macs. When they did so they gave Xcode (the OSX development environment) the ability to create Universal Binary […]

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MacVector 12.5: Creating alignments with T-Coffee and Muscle

With MacVector 12.5 we’ve added additional multiple sequence alignment (MSA) algorithms. Muscle and T-coffee have been added to the Multiple Sequence Alignment editor complementing the existing ClustalW algorithm. We’ve wanted both of these for a while now and judging from the results of last year’s survey so have many users. Both T-Coffee and Muscle are […]

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Activating a license on Lion for older copies of MacVector

With the release of OS X 10.7 Lion Apple made significant changes to the structure and permissions of various important folders. For example the Library folder in the user’s home folder is now hidden. A consequence of this is that on Lion (and all versions after that) older versions of MacVector do not have the […]

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