Author Archives: Chris

Updated Restriction Enzyme files

There are a few updated restriction enzyme files available for download. This file contains the latest Gateway and TOPO sites, and this file is contains the Common Enzymes file together with the updated sites. You can read about how to do Gateway cloning with MacVector here. Incidentally you can select multiple sites for copying by […]

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Hiding Tooltips in the Editor.

A feature new to MacVector 12 is the ability to both annotate and display features directly in the Editor, without having to open a separate Map view window. There are also tooltips that show the feature on the sequence directly under the mouse cursor. For example in the following screenshot you see the ID of […]

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MacVector 12: Drag and Drop annotation of your sequences

This is in a series of blog posts on interesting highlights of new features added to MacVector 12 If you click and drag a result from a results map to a sequence window it will be annotated as a feature. For example dragging a primer from a primer results map will annotate that primer as […]

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Changes to isoelectric point calculation in MacVector

We have a policy of constant improvement in all areas of MacVector, even with algorithms and analyses that have been the same for many years. Recently we changed the way that the isoelectric point of a protein was calculated. The previous version of the algorithm was accurate for short proteins, however for longer amino acid […]

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Roaming Network Licenses

We’ve recently introduced a new feature to make using a network license much more flexible. Network licenses are great for sharing licenses amongst a large number of users. However, if you are not physically located in the same building (i.e. connected to the LAN) then it’s not straightforward. For example if you want peace and […]

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ASM 2011 in New Orleans

The ASM2011 was a great show. We had a busy booth with some old friends and some new faces. We learnt more about what users need and some of that feedback has already gone into our next release, MacVector 12.5, that will be out towards the end of the Summer. We had fun outside the […]

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MacVector at the ASM2011 in New Orleans

It looks like the flood waters will not be a problem for this year’s American Society of Microbiologists 2011 conference In New Orleans. So we’re brushing up our Yat and looking forward to some creole and cajun cooking. If you are also in New Orleans, please do come by and visit us on Booth #1128. […]

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Label customisation using metatags in the Map View

MacVector has always given the user great control in being able to customise the map’s appearance. By default the label will show the full text description of a feature and all its qualifiers (see the first metatag in the list below). However, the label can contain whatever text you want it to display. Obviously you […]

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Displaying your sequence how you want to display it.

We’re all different and one researcher’s preferred way of viewing their sequence may be the opposite of their lab mate’s. With MacVector we try to give you the flexibility of viewing a sequence how you want you view it. With the replica button it’s easy to show multiple views of the same sequence. With a […]

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MacVector 12: Annotating the sequence in the Editor View.

This is in a series of blog posts on interesting highlights of new features added to MacVector 12 In the last survey a popular request was to be able to change the case, alter the colour, or otherwise being able to annotate sequence directly in the Editor view. You’ve been able to use the Map […]

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