Author Archives: Chris

Renumbering a sequence

To change the numbering of a MacVector sequence hover the mouse over the ‘red’ cross (or number) that appears at the beginning of a sequence. This will change to a hand. Double click and enter the new start number in the dialog that appears. You may also drag the red cross to a place in […]

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MacVector 12: Changes to the Find dialogue

This is in a series of blog posts on interesting highlights of new features added to MacVector 12 The find dialogue is a nondescript but fairly essential tool of any sequence analysis application. With uses such as finding short sections in your sequence to quickly searching for a primer it is probably one of the […]

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MacVector 12.0.2 has just been released

Download it here. This contains a few bugs fixes that surfaced after the 12.0.1 release.

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MacVector 12: Ensuring your license is up to date

MacVector 12 is now officially released (it’s been a preview release for the past month). Before updating your copy make sure that you have entered your latest license details (you will have been emailed these when you last renewed your maintenance). Unless you have renewed in the last month you will need to have entered […]

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MacVector 12: New features for Click Cloning and Restriction Enzyme analysis

This is in a series of blog posts on interesting highlights of new features added to MacVector 12 In MacVector 12 designing your construct with Click Cloning has never been easier. There’s a stack of new features to enhance restriction mapping and choosing how to get that fragment into your cloning vector. Unique Restriction sites […]

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MacVector 12: Creating features from results

This is in a series of blog posts on interesting highlights of new features added to MacVector 12 MacVector has always allowed you to generate a large amount of information about your sequence. However, it’s not always been easy to create Genbank compatible annotations back to your sequence. With MacVector 12 we’ve added a feature […]

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MacVector12: Forwards (and backwards!) compatibility of MacVector files

MacVector is very good at forward compatibility with sequence files. We do strive to ensure that all versions of MacVector will open files created by earlier versions. In fact MacVector 12 will still open files created by the very first version of MacVector! Backwards compatibility is more complicated as due to our policy of continuous […]

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Preview release of MacVector 12

MacVector 12.0 is almost ready for release and you can download a preview release here. The full release will be out shortly. There’s a lot of great new features in MacVector 12. Virtual Cloning is much easier with auto detection of compatible sites. The whole interface has been reworked with a graphical overview of your […]

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Copying subsequences from larger sequences.

Sometimes when working on a small subsequence of a much larger sequence it is easier to take that section and make a new file. It is also generally useful in such circumstances to preserve the original numbering. For example if you want to analyse a single gene, but still keep the numbering in the context […]

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Aligning primers against a template sequence

A common request, especially in our recent survey, is to align existing primer sequences against a template sequence. There are many ways to do this in MacVector, depending on what your requirements are Using the Find dialog For quickly finding a single primer in a sequence the Find dialog is the first point of call. […]

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