Author Archives: Chris

Graphics In MacVector: Exporting publication quality graphics.

This article is the first in a series of “howtos” resulting from the 2010 survey results. It may not be at the cutting edge of sequence analysis but sooner or later most users of such apps are going to have to produce a graphic of their work, whether that is a plasmid map, a tree, […]

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Post-survey feedback!

We’ve just finished going through the survey results.  We’re very pleased with the amount and quality of feedback that you gave us.  There’s some excellent ideas in there, that you’ll start seeing with the next release (MacVector 12 is out later this year).  So once again thanks a lot to all who spent time to […]

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We had a great time at the ASM2010 in San Diego this year. San Diego is a great town, and even better with a bunch of scientists gathering in the bars and restaurants! Many great people stopped by the booth. Both old MacVector users, new ones, and people just interested in our software. Some of the […]

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MacVector at ASM 2010

The MacVector team will be attending the ASM 2010 meeting in San Diego.  If you are attending then please do drop by booth 240 (near the laptop lounge) to say hello!  If you are an user, then please do come and tell us what you think. Even if you think it is perfect (come top […]

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Flying for business is so 20th century!

The volcanic ash cloud covering most of Europe is a timely reminder of just how powerful nature is. With the disruption to air travel it’s also a great reminder of just how most communications can be done without meeting face to face. Whereas it is always nice to meet with MacVector users, any such visit […]

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Hidden labels in MacVector 11.1?

We made a whole slew of graphical enhancements to MacVector 11.1. Most of these were intended to increase the performance for viewing the graphical map of very large sequences. One of these hides the labels of features when you are showing a heavily annotated sequence. However, in hindsight we set the default value for this […]

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Short read improvements to MacVector 11.1

The ability to produce de novo assemblies of short read data was introduced into MacVector & Assembler 11 and we’ve enhanced this in MacVector 11.1. Now Assembler stores and visualises metadata on the type of short read you have and also stores and deals with the quality data stored in a better way. Mixing your […]

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MacVector 11.1 is now released

MacVector 11.1 has just been released. You can check out the new features of this release on this blog post or a fuller list is available here. Existing customers can download and install it now. Although as usual you will be notified by MacVector’s online notifier in due course. We are pleased with this release […]

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Configuring cross-posting with the MacVector forums

I’m configuring access from the WordPress blog to cross post to the MacVector forums. So I thought it was a good opportunity to remind you about our forums. We have a fairly quiet but active community on our forums. They’ve been running since 2007 and there’s a lot of useful tips and topics on there.

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What’s New in MacVector 11.1?

As mentioned in the last few posts MacVector 11.1 is a release designed to consolidate and ‘tweak’ the many new features and changes that have been made over the last three years. In the main these changes are designed to simplify and speed up many common workflows as well as providing better integration with OS […]

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