Author Archives: Chris

Seasons Greetings from the MacVector Team

Have a great Christmas and here’s to an awesome 2019..

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Comparing multiple reference assemblies with MacVector 17

MacVector 17 has a greatly improved Assembly Projects manager, for better organization of multiple sequencing datasets, multiple references sequences and repeated jobs. Every time you run a new assembly job (either a reference assembly or de novo). A new job object is created in the Assembly Project window contains resulting contigs and any unaligned reads […]

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Designing primers for Gibson Assembly with MacVector 17

MacVector 17 has a completely new tool for automated design of ligase-independent cloning strategies. The tool supports 5’ exonuclease driven Gibson assembly as well as the T4 DNA Polymerase 3’ exonuclease “Ligase Independent Cloning” approach. MacVector can automatically design primers when you specify fragments and vectors to use. You can provide custom primers (manually or […]

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MacVector 16.0.10 and BLAST/Entrez issues

We recently became aware of a few issues with Entrez and BLAST. The most common issue is that in Entrez there are only two databases that you can search. The main cause is due to some changes the NCBI made to their service, that went live on the 1st of December, 2018. During the implementation […]

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Making restriction enzyme cloning easier with MacVector 17’s Restriction Enzyme Picker.

MacVector 17’s brand new Restriction Enzyme Picker is a new floating tool for selecting and filtering Restriction Enzymes to simplify the identification of useful enzyme cut sites. It initially presents you with a list of all available sites in a sequence. However, you can filter on many attributes, such as number of cuts, 5’ or […]

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Use Database | Auto-Annotate Sequence to annotate prokaryotic genomes

The continuing advances in Next Generation Sequencing have made it relatively low cost to sequence prokaryotic genomes. Many scientists are embarking on large projects to sequence multiple related genomes. These might be clinical isolates of the same species exhibiting different pathogenetic properties, environmental isolates from different sites, or a study over time of the changes […]

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Automatically displaying open reading frames with MacVector’s Scan For Open Reading Frames tool

As well as Scan for.. Missing Features that shows annotation on your sequences, you may have noticed extra CDS features annotated to your sequences. These are from the Scan for.. Open Reading Frames tool that automatically scans every DNA sequence window for open reading frames and displays the results in the Map tab. It’s very useful, […]

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Pasting tabular data from MacVector into Microsoft Excel

There are a number of MacVector analyses that generate tabular text output. Examples include the Protein Analysis Toolbox List output, the Raw Data tab of the ABI chromatogram document window, the Matrix tab of the multiple sequence alignment document windows and the Coverage tab of the Bowtie contig editor. Each of these is actually composed […]

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Using MacVector’s Agarose Gel tool to design a digest to screen minipreps after a ligation.

How to design a digest to screen minipreps after a ligation. (View full size on website…)

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MacVector and macOS Mojave

Apple released macOS Mojave today (Tuesday 25th September). Over the past few months we have performed preliminary testing with MacVector 16.0.9 on various development releases of macOS Mojave through its development cycle and all appears to be well. So whereas we cannot state MacVector is compatible until it is officially released, we can say that […]

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