Over the years, we have added a lot of drag and drop functionality to MacVector. Of course, as with any application, it is not always obvious that you can drag and drop to accomplish tasks because you literally have to drag and drop to discover you can do it at all! So here is the first of […]
MacVectorTip: Designing Primers for Gibson Assembly
You can use MacVector to design primers for multi-fragment Gibson Assembly, and also generate the predicted recombinant DNA molecule resulting from the assembly. All you have to do to get started is choose the File->New->Gibson/Ligase-independent Assembly… menu item. From there, you can choose the type of assembly (it doesn’t have to be the usual 5’ […]
What can MacVector do for my lab?
Here’s what MacVector can do for your lab. Comparing sequences Whatever type of alignment your sequence needs, there’s a tool in MacVector. CRISPR Indel Analysis: Identify insertions and deletions following CRISPR editing of a target. Compare Genomes: Compares two related annotated genomes to identify identical, similar and weakly similar features. Sequence assembly of NGS data […]
Designing primers for Gibson Assembly with MacVector 17
MacVector 17 has a completely new tool for automated design of ligase-independent cloning strategies. The tool supports 5’ exonuclease driven Gibson assembly as well as the T4 DNA Polymerase 3’ exonuclease “Ligase Independent Cloning” approach. MacVector can automatically design primers when you specify fragments and vectors to use. You can provide custom primers (manually or […]