Author Archives: Chris

Sequence Assembly: What can Assembler do for my lab?

Assembler is fully integrated into MacVector and allows you to manage sequencing data with the familiar MacVector ease. de novo sequence assembly using Phrap, Velvet and SPAdes with Flye for PacBio and Oxford Nanopore. Reference Sequence Assembly: Map millions of reads against genomes, transcriptomes or other reference sequences using Bowtie2. Compare Genomes: Compare two related annotated […]

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Setting the Numbering Origin

Preserving sequence numbering is particularly useful if you want to work on a smaller more manageable region of a large chromosome but wish to retain the original numbering. When you copy a section of a larger sequence and paste the copy into a new MacVector sequence window (or use FILE | NEW FROM CLIPBOARD), the […]

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MacVectorTip: Selecting the sequence from a single restriction enzyme site to the end of a linear sequence

To see the distance between any two points on a sequence is easy. For example select one restriction enzyme site, hold down SHIFT and select the second. The start, stop and length will be shown in the Range Selector (top right corner of every window – see images below). But if you want to see […]

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MacVectorTip: How to Customize the Toolbars of MacVector windows

Like many Mac applications, MacVector takes full advantage of macOS’s ability to add, delete and rearrange the action buttons on window toolbars. To make these changes, right-click (or [ctrl]-click) in the gray space on any toolbar and a context-sensitive menu will appear. Choose Customize Toolbar and a dialog will be displayed with all of the […]

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How to call heterozygotes in trace files or Assembly Projects

In our latest release, MacVector 18.5, we added a new tool to call heterozygotes in sequencing reads. The heterozygote analysis tool allows you to either view heterozygotes in Sanger trace files or to permanently change the basecalled sequence with an ambiguity representing the called heterozygote. The tool works on multiple trace files in the Assembly […]

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MacVectorTip: Changing the font used in the Editor, Results and other windows

MacVector is very customizable in how you can produce graphical maps of sequences, assemblies, alignments and more. You can also change the default appearance of MacVector itself. The font used in the Editor and Results window can be changed and increased in size. You are limited to using fixed width fonts (such as Andale Mono […]

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MacVectorTip: macOS Dark Mode and forcing MacVector to open in Light Mode

“Dark Mode makes it easier to stay focused on your work because your content stands out while darkened controls and windows recede into the background” If you use Dark Mode with the Auto setting, then with the short winter days in the northern hemisphere (for our southern hemisphere friends please save this email for six […]

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Merry Christmas from all of us at MacVector….!

We hope 2022 was a productive and enjoyable year for your research, and that MacVector has played some part in that. Once again, 2022 was not the uneventful year that we all hoped for. Perhaps 2023…? Before you go and relax with friends and family, help your colleagues make the most of MacVector and give […]

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MacVector 18.5.1

We’ve just released a minor update, MacVector 18.5.1. Changes include: Further enhancements for importing Sequencher projects (.spf) including heavily edited assemblies. A new setting for always opening MacVector in “light” mode even when macOS switches to “dark” mode. Easier remote activation of standard licenses for larger sites. increased number of seats for serverless network licenses. […]

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MacVector 18.5 has just been released and is macOS Ventura ready!

It’s that time of year again. Apple have released macOS Ventura and we are very pleased to announce MacVector 18.5 is out. MacVector 18.5 is fully macOS Ventura ready! macOS Ventura ready MacVector 18.5 was developed and tested on macOS Ventura. It is supported on macOS High Sierra to macOS Ventura. MacVector 18.5 is a […]

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