Author Archives: Chris

MacVector 13.0.4 is ready to install

This is a critical bug-fix update to MacVector 13.0.3 that should be installed by all users of MacVector 13. The bugs fixed are listed in the Release Notes and you may download the installer. However, you’ll be able to update using Sparkle from inside MacVector as long as you are running MacVector 13.0.1 and later.

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Online updating with Sparkle

Having to update software is an annoying, but essential, part of modern computing life! All software has bugs that need fixing and good software should add new features as well. We try with MacVector to do both, But that means that from time to time you will need to download and install a new version. […]

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MacVector Talk: July 2014: Sequence assembly on the desktop with MacVector and Assembler.

Generating sequencing data is cheaper than it has ever been. However, with this increase in data has come a problem with easy analysis. Assembling 20 reads for your site directed mutagenesis project is easy. Why should dealing with 20 million reads of your bacterial genome be any harder? In our Summer newsletter we talk about […]

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Using Applescript to batch convert files.

Up until MacVector 13 Applescript support was fairly limited. However, with this release we’ve started to expand it. The first enhancement has been to improve the export of files. Now you can export files to any supported format. Over the next few releases this support will be further expanded to include some analysis tools. If […]

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MacVector at the ASM in Boston

We’ll be at the 114th American Society for Microbiology this coming Saturday, May 17-20, 2014 in Boston. Come visit us if you are also in Boston. We’re on booth 345. We’ll have demo CDs of our latest release, MacVector 13, and there’ll be mouse pads and incubator tube floaties to pick up. Probably candy too! […]

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MacVector 13.0.1 released.

We’ve just released a minor update, MacVector 13.0.1. This release has a few minor bug fixes that have been reported in the past month. However, this release also sees the introduction of online updating via Sparkle. This allows you to update your copy of MacVector in place. Once a day MacVector will check our website […]

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Accessing BAM files from an Assembly Project file

All assemblies are stored using the BAM file format. This is a binary file that stores each read and where and which consensus/contig/reference it is mapped against. It is a compressed version of the pure text SAM format. For some post assembly tasks it is necessary to do further processing on the BAM file. To […]

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de novo assembly with Velvet

Velvet is a short read aligner that works very well on a wide variety of reads. Velvet excels at de novo assembly of sequencing reads from second and newer generation sequencers. In our latest release, MacVector 13, we’ve added Velvet to Assembler. This joins the existing tools, Phrap for Sanger sequencing reads and Bowtie for […]

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Calculating the melting temperature of PCR primers

Calculating an accurate melting temperature of your oligos, your template and of the predicted product is important to set the cycling parameters of your PCR machine. The Tm calculations in MacVector were updated in MacVector 12.6 to use a more modern algorithm. MacVector has always used thermodynamic “nearest neighbor” calculations, but there were two changes […]

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Troubleshooting: Resetting MacVector’s preferences

EDIT: December 7, 2018 Updated for macOS Mojave EDIT: August 26, 2014 The script now works for all versions of OS X. For versions before Mavericks the old preferences files are moved to the Desktop rather than being deleted. MacVector generally just works. However, even the most well behaved of applications sometime have problems. If […]

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