Category Archives: Uncategorized

MacVectorTip: How to Toggle Between Single-Letter and Three-Letter Amino Acid Translation Code

Many views in MacVector display amino acid translations above or below DNA sequences. Typically, these are from CDS features, but can also be the 3/6 frame translation of a sequence. You can display the amino acids as either the single-letter code, or as the three-letter code. You can toggle the setting using the MacVector | Preferences -> […]

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MacVector 18.2 is out! …and ready for macOS Monterey

MacVector 18.2 Overview We are very pleased to announce that MacVector 18.2 is available to download. MacVector 18.2 is a Universal Binary that runs natively on both Apple Silicon and Intel Macs. It is fully supported on macOS Sierra (10.12) to macOS Monterey (12). New features: Align to Reference Enhancements The Align to Reference alignment algorithm […]

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Importing SnapGene files into MacVector

MacVector will directly import SnapGene DNA files. You just need to use FILE | OPEN or double click the file. This is very useful when downloading plasmid sequences from the wonderful Addgene plasmid repository. When you import a Snapgene file the appearance will be very similar. The colors of features will be the same as […]

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Annotating primers to your sequence with MacVector

Designing a pair of primers to amplify a single feature is pretty quick with MacVector. Once you have designed a pair of primers with MacVector, you can quickly annotate both the primers and product to your sequence template. The annotation contains a timestamp and the primer’s characteristics. It also contains the full sequence of the primer, […]

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MacVector are at the ASCB – EMBO 2017 meeting in Philadelphia

The MacVector team will be at the ASCB/EMBO 2017 meeting this coming Sunday. The conference starts on Sunday the 3rd of December and runs until Tuesday the 5th. It’s being held at the Pennsylvania Convention Center. Our booth is 1002. If you are in Philadelphia for the conference please pop along and say “hi!”. We […]

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Turning on/off the SCAN FOR missing Features and ORFs

If you’re running MacVector 15.5 or later then you will have noticed extra features annotated to your sequences. These are from the Scan for ORFs tool (added in MacVector 15.5) and the Scan For Missing Features (added in MacVector 16) tools that automatically scan every DNA sequence window for open reading frames, missing annotations and […]

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Get ready for the release of macOS High Sierra with a 30% discount on all MacVector upgrades

macOS® High Sierra will be released Monday 25th of September. Whether you intend to upgrade early, or months later, you’ll be pleased to know that MacVector 15.5 (the current version) and MacVector 16 (our upcoming release) are both fully supported and compatible with macOS High Sierra. If you are running MacVector 15.5. MacVector 15.5 is […]

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Annotating a gene in MacVector

Creating biologically accurate AND beautiful maps of your plasmids is easy in MacVector. All you need to do is select some sequence, then open the FEATURES EDITOR. Every annotation is fully compatible with the Genbank specification and Feature Table.

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MacVector 15.5 is out: Graphical BLAST and automatic ORF display.

Our latest release, MacVector 15.5, introduces an entirely new way to view the results of BLAST searches, with an interactive graphical interface that let’s you easily visualize where your query maps to a hit. Unannotated Open Reading Frames are now automatically displayed whenever you open a DNA sequence. A number of changes to the Align […]

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Simple but accurate restriction enzyme based clone construction using Copy and Paste

The quickest and simplest way to create restriction enzyme generated constructs in MacVector is to use Edit | Copy and Edit | Paste. The strategy to use is identical to copying a paragraph from one Microsoft Word document to insert into a second document. i.e. Select the restriction enzymes flanking the source fragment in either […]

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