MacVector has a wide array of different tools for working with protein and DNA sequences. Here’s an overview of workflows in MacVector for the molecular biologist.
Select two restriction sites and click DIGEST. Drag the digested fragment from the Cloning Clipboard to your vector and click LIGATE.
Gibson Assembly/Ligase Independent Cloning
FILE | NEW | GIBSON/LIGASE INDEPENDENT ASSEMBLY. Choose the type of project, add a cloning vector, then drag a gene from a sequence to clone.
Select a short region of sequence. Click ANALYZE | QUICKTEST PRIMER. Add a restriction site or mutation, slide the primer until the oligo is optimal.
Open your template sequence, Go to ANALYZE | PRIMER DESIGN/TEST(PAIRS). For the left primer click USE THIS Primer. Type or paste in your forward primer, Repeat for the reverse primer. Click TEST
Select FILE | NEW | AGAROSE GEL, Drag a restriction site from the Map tab of a sequence and drop on the Agarose Gel window
Select FILE | NEW | ALIGNMENT, Click ADD SEQS and then ALIGN.
List genetic differences between one organism and another related strain
Open two genomes and run ANALYZE | COMPARE GENOMES BY FEATURE..
Select DATABASE | ONLINE KEYWORD SEARCH (ENTREZ) , enter the accession number of your favorite gene and hit search. Double click the hit to open it directly in MacVector.
Right click (or CTRL+left Click) on any faded ORF or Feature on your sequence. Select CREATE FEATURE.
To align a small sequencing project against a reference.
Run FILE | NEW | ALIGN SEQUENCES TO A REFERENCE... Choose a reference sequence, then add your trace files from the sequencing facility and click ALIGN.
De novo assembly of sequencing reads
Run FILE | NEW | ASSEMBLY PROJECT, Choose a reference sequence, add your sequencing reads and also any reference sequences.