MacVector 17 has a greatly improved Assembly Projects manager, for better organization of multiple sequencing datasets, multiple references sequences and repeated jobs. Every time you run a new assembly job (either a reference assembly or de novo). A new job object is created in the Assembly Project window contains resulting contigs and any unaligned reads […]
Designing primers for Gibson Assembly with MacVector 17
MacVector 17 has a completely new tool for automated design of ligase-independent cloning strategies. The tool supports 5’ exonuclease driven Gibson assembly as well as the T4 DNA Polymerase 3’ exonuclease “Ligase Independent Cloning” approach. MacVector can automatically design primers when you specify fragments and vectors to use. You can provide custom primers (manually or […]
Making restriction enzyme cloning easier with MacVector 17’s Restriction Enzyme Picker.
MacVector 17’s brand new Restriction Enzyme Picker is a new floating tool for selecting and filtering Restriction Enzymes to simplify the identification of useful enzyme cut sites. It initially presents you with a list of all available sites in a sequence. However, you can filter on many attributes, such as number of cuts, 5’ or […]
Using MacVector’s Agarose Gel tool to design a digest to screen minipreps after a ligation.
How to design a digest to screen minipreps after a ligation. (View full size on website…)
MacVector video tutorials on You Tube
There are short video tips on using MacVector on our blog and our YouTube channel. Each one is less than 2 minutes and generally shorter than that! There will be a new screencast every few weeks, so please subscribe to our YouTube channel so you don’t miss any! The latest screencasts include quickly annotating a […]
Searching and downloading sequences from Entrez
MacVector has integrated connectivity to the NCBI BLAST and Entrez databases. You can directly search Entrez for DNA or Protein sequences based on features, authors, keywords etc and directly download them into MacVector, complete with all features and annotations.
Using MacVector’s Auto Annotate tool to annotate blank sequences.
Have you ever been sent a plain unannotated sequence, or downloaded a sequence from Entrez and been disappointed as it doesn’t have the carefully curated graphical appearance of your favorite genes? Auto annotation solves both of these common problems. The basic idea is that you can scan the sequence against a folder containing a […]
Adding a primer to MacVector’s Primer Database.
MacVector’s Primer Database tool makes it easy to store your lab’s regular primers. It allows you to save and retrieve primers from the Primer Database from the Primer3 and Quicktest Primer tools. You can also scan sequences for potential primer binding sites. The Primer Database will also store tails and allow you to specify […]
Annotating primers to your sequence with MacVector
Designing a pair of primers to amplify a single feature is pretty quick with MacVector. Once you have designed a pair of primers with MacVector, you can quickly annotate both the primers and product to your sequence template. The annotation contains a timestamp and the primer’s characteristics. It also contains the full sequence of the primer, […]
MacVector’s Scan For Missing Features tool makes beautiful plasmid maps easy!
Scan for.. Missing Features: Sequences are automatically scanned and missing features displayed. A simple right-click converts them to a permanent feature. Even blank sequences will be displayed fully annotated with common features. You can even add your own proprietary features.