Designing primers for Gibson Assembly with MacVector 17

MacVector 17 has a completely new tool for automated design of ligase-independent cloning strategies. The tool supports 5’ exonuclease driven Gibson assembly as well as the T4 DNA Polymerase 3’ exonuclease “Ligase Independent Cloning” approach. MacVector can automatically design primers when you specify fragments and vectors to use. You can provide custom primers (manually or […]

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Making restriction enzyme cloning easier with MacVector 17’s Restriction Enzyme Picker.

MacVector 17’s brand new Restriction Enzyme Picker is a new floating tool for selecting and filtering Restriction Enzymes to simplify the identification of useful enzyme cut sites. It initially presents you with a list of all available sites in a sequence. However, you can filter on many attributes, such as number of cuts, 5’ or […]

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Using MacVector’s Agarose Gel tool to design a digest to screen minipreps after a ligation.

How to design a digest to screen minipreps after a ligation. (View full size on website…)

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Simple Assembly of Sanger Sequencing Files with MacVector Assembler

With MacVector Assembler, assembling ABI Sanger Sequencing files is simple, fast and accurate. MacVector uses the popular phred/phrap/cross_match set of tools from the University of Washington. To improve accuracy, and to help resolve repeats, these tools use “quality scores” (popularly known as “phred scores”), giving them an advantage over many other methods. To assemble two […]

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What can MacVector do for me?

Here’s what MacVector can do for your lab. Comparing sequences Whatever type of alignment your sequence needs, there’s a tool in MacVector. CRISPR Indel Analysis: Identify insertions and deletions following CRISPR editing of a target. Sequence assembly of NGS data against a reference genome or compare your sequencing against your new construct. Translated Multiple Sequence […]

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Clone construction using Digest/Ligate rather than Copy/Paste

We’ve previously looked at using Edit | Copy and Edit | Paste to quickly and simply create new constructs using Restriction Enzyme sites. Here’s an alternative approach, using the Digest and Ligate buttons and the Cloning Clipboard. The sequence window Map tab has two buttons called Digest and Ligate. These work in a very similar […]

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Importing sequences from Addgene into MacVector

The Addgene repository is a great place for obtaining expression vectors and other plasmids for your research. Fully annotated sequences are available for most plasmid sequences, although older plasmid deposits may be only partially annotated. All are very easy to import into MacVector. All Addgene sequence deposits have a Genbank formatted sequence. This should contain […]

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Simple but accurate restriction enzyme based clone construction using Copy and Paste

The quickest and simplest way to create restriction enzyme generated constructs in MacVector is to use Edit | Copy and Edit | Paste. The strategy to use is identical to copying a paragraph from one Microsoft Word document to insert into a second document. i.e. Select the restriction enzymes flanking the source fragment in either […]

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Create constructs using MacVector’s Cloning Clipboard

You can create new constructs in MacVector by selecting two restriction enzyme sites, choosing Edit -> Copy, selecting a target restriction site in a different molecule and then choosing Edit -> Paste. It works great and fully understands compatible overhanging sticky ends preventing you from accidentally creating biologically impossible molecules. However, a far more flexible […]

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MacVector for Windows update: Using the Cloning Clipboard.

Macvector for Windows is getting closer. Here’s a short screencast on using the Cloning Clipboard:  

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