MacVectorTip: Drag and drop in the Gibson Assembly window

Over the years, we have added a lot of drag and drop functionality to MacVector. Of course, as with any application, it is not always obvious that you can drag and drop to accomplish tasks because you literally have to drag and drop to discover you can do it at all! So here is the first of […]

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MacVectorTip: organizing assemblies and sequencing datasets with the Assembly Project manager.

MacVector’s Assembly Project manager helps you organize multiple sequencing datasets, multiple reference sequences and repeated assemblies. You can store multiple assembly jobs in a single Assembly Project and directly compare multiple runs of the same dataset to determine the best assembly parameters. You can also compare different sequencing datasets assembled against the same reference sequence […]

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MacVectorTip: Identifying, Selecting and Assembling NGS reads with a variant genotype

When analyzing/assembling/aligning NGS data, there are many scenarios where you might want to separate out the reads representing different genotypes or variant sequences. MacVector makes this very easy. Take a reference sequence and choose Analyze->Align to Reference. Now click the Add Seqs button and select and add your NGS data files. NOTE: if your reference […]

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