So it is forty years since Steve Jobs walked onto the stage and announced the Mac! MacVector did not come about until six years later as MacVector 1.0 was released in March 1990! But we are still proud that MacVector has now been running on the Mac for over thirty years. Especially that MacVector 18.6 […]
MacVector 18.5 has just been released and is macOS Ventura ready!
It’s that time of year again. Apple have released macOS Ventura and we are very pleased to announce MacVector 18.5 is out. MacVector 18.5 is fully macOS Ventura ready! macOS Ventura ready MacVector 18.5 was developed and tested on macOS Ventura. It is supported on macOS High Sierra to macOS Ventura. MacVector 18.5 is a […]
Migrating your Vector NTI sequence database to MacVector.
ThermoFisher (owners of Invitrogen) have announced that Vector NTI Express is nearing the end of its life and Vector NTI Advanced was terminated quite some time ago. If you are looking for an easy to use sequence analysis application, then look for a reliable and trusted application. MacVector is easy to use, has a comprehensive […]
How Assembler uses quality scores to create assemblies
A common problem with all types of sequence assembly is distinguishing between sequencing errors and true genomic variations. Quality scores are one way to help the algorithm identify if a variation is of high quality and therefore likely to be a SNP or a sequencing error. For Assembler trace files can be basecalled with Phred, […]