Here’s an overview of what MacVector can do for you! Comparing sequences Whatever alignment your sequence needs, MacVector has the right tool. CRISPR Indel Analysis: Identify insertions and deletions following CRISPR editing of a target. Multiple sequence alignment of protein or DNA sequences using CLustalW/Muscle or T-Coffee and produce publication quality alignments. Sequence assembly of […]
Tooltips in MacVector: restriction sites, features and reference assemblies
Every aspect of MacVector is designed to help you visualise and see information about your sequence and its annotation. Most views have tooltips that display information about restrictions sites, genes, CDS, SNPs, INDELS and much more.
Tear-off Result Window Tabs: make viewing results easier.
All analysis results for an individual sequence are collected into a single tabbed result window to reduce window clutter. However, there are times when it is very convenient to have results displayed in side-by-side windows. For example, if you run a dot plot you can zoom in to view sections of the comparison by drag-selecting […]