Personal licenses are ideal for using on a single Mac, but not if you have multiple Macs or want to install on a shared lab computer as well as your personal Mac. So why not upgrade to a standard license of MacVector Pro 17 that you can share among a group of users in the […]
Get ready for the release of macOS High Sierra with a 30% discount on all MacVector upgrades
macOS® High Sierra will be released Monday 25th of September. Whether you intend to upgrade early, or months later, you’ll be pleased to know that MacVector 15.5 (the current version) and MacVector 16 (our upcoming release) are both fully supported and compatible with macOS High Sierra. If you are running MacVector 15.5. MacVector 15.5 is […]
Buy two copies of MacVector 14 for the price of one.
For the month of October if you buy a personal or standard license of MacVector Pro then you’ll get one free! We never stop working to keep MacVector your best solution for designing primers, subcloning into vectors, aligning your sequences and checking small sequencing projects on the Mac. So don’t miss this chance to start […]
A Black Friday/Cyber Monday special….Buy MacVector 13.5 and get one free.
MacVector 13.5 is the best release yet for comparing large sequences and handling NGS data. The new interface is even more polished and further performance tuning has ensured this release of MacVector is faster than ever. If you do not yet have MacVector then the next seven days are just for you. Starting from today, […]