Author Archives: Chris

Weekly Tip: Use Hash Value = 12 for speedy genome comparisons with Create Dot Plot

MacVector’s Analyze | Create Dot Plot function can be used to compare entire genomes very quickly to get both an overall view of similarity (large inversions and duplications) while providing the ability to “drill down” to the residue level to see individual SNPs. One of the keys to ensuring the calculations complete in a reasonable […]

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MacVector’s Primer Database – Importing primers from Excel

Many molecular biologists keep lists of their primer sequences in Excel or some other spreadsheet tool. Previously MacVector had a separate utility that allows you to import primers kept in spreadsheet format into a Primer Database for direct use within MacVector. With the release of MacVector 18.2 we have integrated this functionality within MacVector. Rather […]

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MacVector 18.2 is out! …and ready for macOS Monterey

MacVector 18.2 Overview We are very pleased to announce that MacVector 18.2 is available to download. MacVector 18.2 is a Universal Binary that runs natively on both Apple Silicon and Intel Macs. It is fully supported on macOS Sierra (10.12) to macOS Monterey (12). New features: Align to Reference Enhancements The Align to Reference alignment algorithm […]

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Compare a pair of genomes

In recent years there has been an explosion of whole-genome sequencing projects. One common question coming out of this has been to ask: “Exactly what are the genetic differences between my sequenced organism and another related strain?” MacVector to the rescue! MacVector’s Compare Genomes By Feature… tool lets you see the differences between two annotated […]

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MacVectorTip: Scan For… Missing Primers: Automatically display Primer Binding Site on your sequences

MacVector’s Scan DNA For.. tool allows you to automatically display restriction enzyme recognition sites, putative ORFs, CRISPR PAM sites, missing annotation and also it will display primer binding sites from your own Primer Database in each DNA sequence that you open. Here’s an example of a couple of primers displayed on the pET 47b LIC […]

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MacVectorTip: Using the Align to Reference Shading and Trimming toolbar buttons

MacVector’s Align to Reference Editor and the Contig Editor in Assembly Projects have two useful functions for visualizing assemblies. The Shading button turns on background coloring of the residues in the upper pane, based on quality values (these can be from Sanger reads or from NGS reads). The scale ranges from a dark red for […]

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Importing SnapGene files into MacVector

MacVector will directly import SnapGene DNA files. You just need to use FILE | OPEN or double click the file. This is very useful when downloading plasmid sequences from the wonderful Addgene plasmid repository. When you import a Snapgene file the appearance will be very similar. The colors of features will be the same as […]

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Designing primers and documenting In-Fusion Cloning with MacVector

The In-Fusion Cloning kits from Takara allow you to perform ligase free cloning of PCR products into vectors in as little as 15 minutes. You can use MacVector’s Gibson Cloning/Ligase Independent tool to design primers for In-Fusion cloning workflows. The In-Fusion kits need a 15nt overlap between the ends of a fragment and the ends […]

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MacVectorTip: Using tabbed sequence windows in MacVector

One of the lesser known features of macOS is the ability to store all open documents of an application in tabs. Tabs were initially introduced for the Finder, but macOS Mavericks saw them apply to supported application document windows too. MacVector has supported tabs since their introduction, however, by default the Tab Bar is turned […]

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MacVector Tip: a complex subsequence pattern example.

MacVector’s Subsequence tools allows you to search for motifs in both protein and DNA sequences. As well as a library of existing subsequence files, such as promotors and transcription factor binding sites, you can keep a library of your own subsequence matches. Subsequences libraries are multiple patterns kept in a single file. A search will […]

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