Category Archives: Releases

MacVector 18.1 and the new InterProScan functional domain analysis tool

MacVector allows you to do functional domain analysis on your protein sequence using the InterProScan service. InterPro contains multiple databases of protein families, domains and motifs and InterProScan will submit a protein sequence to a search of these databases. It will also do extra analysis such as transmembrane region analysis using TMHMM and other tools.MacVector […]

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MacVectorTip: Viewing genotype changes in Align to Reference assemblies

The latest releases of MacVector, MacVector 18.0.1 (Intel) and MacVector 18.1.1 (Intel and Apple Silicon) have some tweaks to the output of the SNPs tab in the Align to Reference assembly window. The genotypes of any SNP changes now follow a consistent standard, and short deletions are also reported. If the region containing the nucleotide […]

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MacVector on Apple Silicon: benchmarks

MacVector 18.1 has just been released. MacVector 18.1 is a Universal Binary application, which means it runs natively on both Apple Silicon M1 Macs and Intel Macs. MacVector 18.1 also has graphical changes for a more authentic Big Sur look and feel. …and for the first time in many, many years the MacVector icon has […]

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CRISPR tools in MacVector 18

If you are using CRISPR editing techniques then there are two useful functions in MacVector for you: Finding CRISPR Cas9 PAM sites. You can also use Scan DNA FOR.. tool to automatically show sites on all sequences. Screening sequences for CRISPR introduced INDELS

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MacVector, Apple Silicon and macOS Big Sur compatibility

UPDATE – March 8, 2021 – MacVector 18.1 is now released and can be downloaded. Over twenty years ago Apple called an end to the Classic Mac with the release of OS X, followed five years later by the transition from PowerPC to Intel. A major step forward in the Macintosh world. Earlier this year […]

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Make more of your alignments with MacVector 17.5

Our latest release MacVector 17.5 gives you new tools to make the most of your alignments. It displays shared domains in protein alignments to visualize the relationships between aligned proteins. It introduces Flye for de novo assembly of PacBio and Oxford Nanopore long reads and a slew of enhancements to the Contig and Align to […]

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MacVector and macOS Catalina

The next OS release for the Mac will arrive during September. macOS Catalina is a major OS release and includes many new features. As usual our developers have been hard at work ensuring that when macOS Catalina is released, MacVector 17 will be fully compatible. For older versions you can check compatibility on our website […]

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Upgrade to the most feature packed version of MacVector yet and install on multiple Macs with a 50% discount.

Personal licenses are ideal for using on a single Mac, but not if you have multiple Macs or want to install on a shared lab computer as well as your personal Mac. So why not upgrade to a standard license of MacVector Pro 17 that you can share among a group of users in the […]

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What can MacVector do for my lab?

Here’s what MacVector can do for your lab. Comparing sequences Whatever type of alignment your sequence needs, there’s a tool in MacVector. CRISPR Indel Analysis: Identify insertions and deletions following CRISPR editing of a target. Compare Genomes: Compares two related annotated genomes to identify identical, similar and weakly similar features. Sequence assembly of NGS data […]

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MacVector 17: Our most feature packed release yet..

MacVector 17 will be released later this week. Get ready for our biggest release yet. MacVector 17 compares genomes, makes restriction enzyme cloning easier, automates the design of Gibson Assembly and Ligase Independent Cloning strategies. Makes plasmid maps even more beautiful and supports macOS Mojave’s Dark Mode to aid concentration on those late night primer […]

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