Our next release is MacVector 12.7 and it will be out very soon. However, if don’t want to wait then you can download a preview before the real release in November. MacVector 12.7 has a new Cloning Clipboard tool that dramatically simplifies the creation of new DNA constructs. The new functionality not only lets you […]
Category Archives: Development
Subcloning using the Cloning Clipboard
Cloning on MacVector has always been an easy procedure. Every digestion places a fragment on the cloning clipboard which then allows you to ligate that fragment into a vector. However, this limitation has now gone with the Cloning Clipboard. The Cloning Clipboard allows you to store a history containing fragments from previous digestions. Not only […]
Multisite Gateway cloning using the Cloning Clipboard
With the introduction of the Cloning Clipboard in MacVector 12.7 both single step and Multisite Gateway cloning can be easily designed, replicated and documented. The Cloning Clipboard allows you to assemble fragments by dragging compatible ends of digested fragments together to form new fragments. Every digest operation in a sequence window will place a fragment […]
MacVector 12.6: Coming soon..
Our upcoming release, MacVector 12.6, has just entered beta testing. As usual we’ve added a mixture of new features as well as improvements to existing tools. One tool that we are excited about is a realtime primer design tool. This allows you to manipulate your primer and see secondary structure and other useful oligo statistics […]
MacVector 12.5: Interface improvements and redesign
This is part of a series of posts about the shortly to be released MacVector 12.5. With each release of MacVector as well as adding new features we continually redesign and rewrite many existing parts of MacVector. This is done for a number of reasons. For example: to accommodate changes in OS X, where generally […]
Growl and MacVector
Over the next few weeks I’m going to be highlighting some of the new features that are being added to MacVector 11.1. The first of these is support for a great notification system that we all use at MacVector. Some analyses with MacVector will take seconds and as such are done in the foreground. However, […]
Mac OS X updates and MacVector
One of the great things about OS X is that updates are really painless to install! Actually come to mention it upgrading the OS between major versions is usually trouble free too! For minor in version updates System Update will easily download and update the OS, leaving you the user to just reboot. So really […]
Topology of a sequence and interface changes
With each new release of MacVector we have always strived to be the easiest to use sequence analysis application. We have made some fairly radical changes to the interface over the last few years, and inevitably there are some changes that you know will confuse long time users but are needed to make the interface […]
MacVector 11.0 and Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard
MacVector 11.0 and Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard (Uncia uncia or Panthera uncia) On August 28th Apple Computer, Inc. publicly release Mac OS X 10.6 also known as Snow Leopard. With any new release of the operating system (OS) there is always the question of whether the applications you own will continue to work. […]
Next Generation sequencing formats
As is common with the lack of standards seen with most emerging technologies there are many different and competing types of sequencing file formats for storage of short read or next generation sequencing data. All these formats try to solve the same question of storing an almost unprecedented amount of sequence data in a useable […]